* Who's Who in Genoa City: Victoria Newman | The Young and the Restless on Soap Central
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Victoria Newman Locke
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Actor History
Ashley Nicole Millan
1983 to 1991
February 1991 to April 1997; October 1997 to December 17, 2003
Sarah Aldrich
March 21, 2005 to Present; contract

Other Names


"Margaret" (nickname by Billy, referring to Margaret Anderson of 'Father Knows Best')

Jeni Lumberston (alias)


Born November 17, 1982

Returned from Swiss boarding school in 1991 said to be 16 years old

In 1994, Nick was said to be 18, and Victoria was two years older (although they were originally born 6 years apart)


Former Co-CEO of Newman-Locke with Ashland Locke

Former CEO of Newman-Locke; Partner with Ashland Locke

Former CEO of Newman Enterprises

Former COO of Newman Enterprises

Former senior vice president of operations of Newman Enterprises

Former COO of Newman Enterprises

Former CEO of Brash & Sassy

Former Co-CEO of Brash & Sassy division of Chancellor Industries with Cane and Billy

Former Co-CEO of Newman Enterprises with Nick

Newman Enterprises board member

Former Co-Chief Operating Officer of Newman-Abbott Enterprises (with Gabriel Bingham)

Former executive at Newman Enterprises (and during its period as Newman-Chancellor)

Board member of "The Delia Project"

Formerly executive at Newman Enterprises

Former interim CEO of Newman Enterprises until Sharon's mental health was verified

Former CEO of Beauty of Nature under ownership of FMN holding company

Former COO of Newman Enterprises

Former executive at Newman Enterprises

Former executive with Jabot Cosmetics

Former Co-CEO of Newman Enterprises

Newman enterprises Board Member

Former volunteer teaching art at a convent school in Florence, Italy

Graduate from Guggenheim Program, Florence, Italy

Former president of 'Brash & Sassy' Division of Newman Enterprises

Formerly worked in the Newman mailroom

Attended Swiss boarding school

Miscellaneous Trivia

Talented painter

Accomplished horseback rider; winner of many ribbons


A hotel in New York City

Owns a villa in Tuscany

Marital Status


Past Marriages

Ryan McNeil (deceased) [Married: 1992; divorced: 1993]

Cole Howard [Married: 1993; annulled: 1993; remarried: 1994; divorced: 1998]

Brad Carlton (deceased) [Married: May 10, 2006; divorced: Jul 25, 2007]

J.T. Hellstrom [Married: Feb 8, 2008; divorced: May 13, 2010]

Billy Abbott [Married: May 14, 2010; invalid; married: Sep 9, 2010; divorced Nov 28, 2011; remarried: Dec 24, 2011 (televised Dec 26); divorced Sept 9, 2014; recommitment ceremony 2019]

Ashland Locke [Married: Oct 15, 2021; Annulled: April 2022]


Nicole Reed (mother)

Victor Christian Newman (father)

Cora Miller (paternal grandmother; deceased)

Albert Miller (paternal grandfather; deceased)

Barbara Ann Reed (maternal grandmother; deceased)

Nick Reed (maternal grandfather; deceased)

Dylan McAvoy (half-brother; son of Nikki and Paul Williams)

Nicholas Christian Newman (brother)

Victor "Adam" Newman (half-brother; son of Victor and Hope)

Abby Newman (half-sister; daughter of Victor and Ashley)

Faith Colleen Newman (miscarriage) (half-sister; daughter of Victor with Ashley)

Matt Miller (uncle; brother of Victor)

Dr. Casey Reed (aunt; sister of Nikki)

Cassidy Newman (deceased; niece through adoption by Nick; Sharon's daughter)

Noah Christian Newman (nephew; son of Nick and Sharon)

Summer Newman (niece; daughter of Nick and Phyllis)

Faith Cassidy Newman (niece; daughter of Nick and Sharon)

Christian Andrew Newman (nephew; son of Nick/Adam and Sage)

Riley Newman (nephew; son of Adam and Chelsea; miscarriage)

Connor Adam Newman (nephew; son of Adam and Chelsea)

Dominic Phillip Newman Abbott Winters Chancellor (nephew; son of Abby and Chance with sperm donation of Devon)

Katherine Chancellor (godmother; deceased)


Eve Nicole Howard (daughter with Cole; born 1998; died shortly after birth)

Miscarriage with Brad, May 2007

Cordelia Katherine Valentine Abbott (step-daughter; Billy's deceased daughter with Chloe)

Reed Hellstrom (son with J.T.; born Nov 29, 2007)

Miscarriage with Billy, Oct 2010

Lucy Carter (adopted daughter; born Jan 4, 2011, child of Daisy Carter and Daniel Romalotti; illegal adoption was reversed)

John "Johnny" Abbott (son by adoption; child of Billy and Chelsea)

Katherine "Katie" Rose Abbott (daughter with Billy; born Nov 17, 2014)


Keely (shaggy male dog)

Dash (dog, belonged to Delia, gave away)

Flings & Affairs

Brandon Collins (dated)

Tony Viscardi (deceased) (lovers)

Neil Winters (deceased) (dated; engagement broken 1998)

Gary Dawson (dated)

Ryan McNeil (lovers; were engaged for 2nd marriage at time of his death; deceased)

Rafael Delgado (dated)

Diego Guittierez (dated)

Michael Baldwin (dated)

Brad Carlton (deceased) (lovers)

J.T. Hellstrom (lovers)

Deacon Sharpe (dated)

Billy Abbott (lovers)

Ben "Stitch" Rayburn (lovers)

Travis Crawford (lovers, engagement broken)

Benjamin Hochman (one night stand, 2017)

J.T. Hellstrom (2017 lived together)

Brandon Rose (one night stand, 2019)

Ashland Locke (2021-2022 lived together)

Health and Vitals

Ruptured appendix in 1998 led to the premature birth of her baby Eve

Suffered a head injury in an explosion and lapsed into a coma while pregnant with Reed

Suffered a head injury after Abby tossed a drink in her face, and she fell; diagnosed as a concussion (2017)

Toxic chemical poisoning by her product Sassy Mask (2017)

Stabbed in the side (Feb 2020)

Angina, PTSD (Mar 2020)

Knocked unconscious in a car accident, sprained knee (2022)

Crimes Committed

Arrested for illegally giving a lavish gift to a foreign dignitary – Victor admitted it was done per his orders

Arrested for the murder of Adam Newman – charges were dropped

Arrested for obstruction of justice in the Diane Jenkins murder case; detained in jail and released later that day; charges were dropped a few days later

Charged with accomplice to homicide and covering up death of J.T. Helstrom; obstruction charges upheld, but sentences revoked after J.T. was captured alive (2018/2019)

Brief Character History

Victoria, first born child of millionaire Victor Newman, was the apple of her father's eye. The highlight of her childhood was being saved from drowning in their pool on the ranch by Jack Abbott. Left at a Swiss boarding school as a child when she and her father were touring Europe together, she returned to Genoa City as a precocious teenager to find her mother married to Jack Abbott and her father married to Jack's sister Ashley. Victoria returned determined to undermine both marriages so that her parents would reconcile.

Victoria pursued a career in her father's company, starting out in the mail room, rather than attend college. Victoria's first love was Ryan McNeil who was considerably older. Vikki became quite close to her step mother Ashley during an AIDS/pregnancy scare resulting from her first sexual encounter with Ryan. Although Victor paid Ryan $10,000 to leave town, Victoria and Ryan eventually eloped, but her immaturity, her inability to handle the sexual side of her marriage, led to Ryan's involvement with Nina Webster Chancellor which led to their divorce.

Eve Howard arrived in Genoa City with her son, Cole, now a young aspiring novelist. By then Victor was presumed dead, but was really in Kansas with Hope Adams. His grieving "widow," Nikki, hired Cole as a stable hand, and Cole took up residence in the tack house. It wasn't long before Nikki accepted comfort from Cole. To show her appreciation, Nikki introduced Cole to Traci Abbott's New York publisher, Steve Connelly, who agreed to publish Cole's first novel. Victoria told Cole she was interested in him, but Cole pursued an affair with Nikki. When Victoria learned of their involvement, she told Cole she was in love with him. Soon after, Cole wrote to his mother, Eve, saying he had fallen for Victor Newman's daughter, Victoria. Eve, while on a cruise, read the letter and was horrified by the thought of her son getting involved with his half-sister. She arranged to leave the ship and flew to Genoa City. While on the plane, Eve became ill from a mosquito bite. On arrival in Genoa City, she was rushed to the hospital, and Cole was notified. Eve lingered for weeks, in and out of a coma, and when somewhat lucid, tried but failed to tell Cole that Victor was his father. Not long after Eve's funeral, Cole and Victoria eloped to Las Vegas.

Victor returned to Genoa City from Kansas, shocking everyone that he was alive. When the newlyweds returned, Victor revealed that Cole was his son, which forced an annulment. While going through Eve's belongings, Victor discovered a letter to her from another man which cast doubt on Victor being Cole's father. Victor immediately arranged to have blood tests run on Cole, himself, and Eve's corpse. When Nikki tried to resume her romance with Cole, a devastated Victoria left town before she had learned that Cole wasn't interested in her mom. After receiving confirmation that Victor wasn't Cole's father, he and Cole immediately tracked down Victoria. Cole shared the good news with her, and they returned to Genoa City, where they arranged to remarry.

Prior to her marriage to Cole, Victoria had been freaked-out to discover that Cole and Nikki had been intimate in the past. She had run off to New York City, and agreed to pose for a nude centerfold for $200,000. The publisher had promised Cole that the photos would not run. Nevertheless not long after their marriage, Victoria's shocking centerfold was on newsstands around the country. Angered by the publisher's unethical behavior, Victor bought every existing copy of the magazine and had them destroyed. He then purchased the company that published the magazine and fired the publisher.

Victoria and Cole lived in the Newman Ranch tack house where Cole had been living while working as the Newman stable hand. Cole helped Victoria get over her sexual inhibitions that she had with her former husband Ryan.

After they had been married about a year, Victoria became jealous of the time that Cole spent with his editor Jeri Paulsen on a writing project. But Jeri became a non-issue when Cole made it clear that he loved Victoria. Jeri, who actually had been making advances to Cole, accepted it and returned to her life in New York. But it wasn't long before Victoria's marriage to Cole was headed for trouble when she began enjoying secret kisses with Ryan at work. Ironically, Cole was also falling for Ryan's wife, Nina, who was working as his research assistant. When Nina witnessed Ryan kissing Victoria, she ordered him out of their home. Meanwhile, Cole followed Victor's orders and asked Victoria to give their marriage another chance, and she agreed. Even though Cole made it clear to Nina that he wanted to remain married to Victoria, Nina struggled to fight her attraction for him.

Feeling backed into a corner, Victoria left town for awhile to sort out her life. Upset by his wife's extended absence, Cole decided to move out, but changed his mind when Victoria suddenly returned home from Europe and seemed committed to saving their marriage. But a few months later, Victoria suddenly left town again, this time for business reasons. Meanwhile, Ashley Abbott agreed to let Cole build his new novel around her. During the time spent together researching the book, Ashley and Cole became close and shared several kisses. Cole eventually confided to Ashley that he didn't know how much longer he could accept Victoria's extended absences. Victoria returned home unexpectedly just in time to catch Cole and Ashley kissing as she looked through their window. Victoria separated from Cole and moved back into her old bedroom in the ranch house. Meanwhile, she and Ashley competed for Cole's affections. Eventually Cole proposed to Ashley. Touched by Cole's love for her, Ashley accepted. Victoria then found herself pregnant with Cole's child. She arranged a meeting with Cole to tell him, but they were interrupted by Ashley, so they divorced without Cole knowing. Neil proposed to Victoria and said they could lead people to believe he was the father of her baby. When Cole learned of Victoria's pregnancy he had a hard time believing that he wasn't the father. When Cole confronted Victoria with his suspicion, she lied and said she wasn't pregnant. Later, having a sudden change of heart, Victoria admitted she was pregnant and that he was the father. Cole said he intended to be a father to their baby, but added that he was following through with his plans to marry Ashley. Neil and Victoria became engaged.

Victoria and Cole were devastated when their child Eve (named after Cole's mother) died shortly after her birth due to an infection when Victoria's appendix burst. Victoria and Neil broke off their engagement shortly afterward.

Then Ashley disappeared to Madrid where she rescued her step brother Rafael by selling some stock to buy back forged paintings Rafael had painted and sold. Since Cole was following her around Europe, always a step behind, he assumed she was having an affair with this unknown man, Rafael. Victoria, bent on breaking up Cole and Ashley’s marriage, joined them in Europe and hooked up with Rafael. When everyone finally returned to Genoa City, Victoria left Rafael with a ticket to follow them. In a last ditch attempt to save her jeopardized marriage, Ashley told Cole she wanted to have a baby. Cole instead took a teaching position at Oxford, and divorced Ashley.

Victoria began being attracted to the shy marketing expert, Gary Dawson, who turned out to be a stalker whose bedroom walls were papered with Victoria’s photos, including the centerfold from years ago. Victoria discovered the collage on his wall, and ended up being kidnapped by Gary and held tied up in the Newman children's long-abandoned tree house. Victoria’s brother Nick and Paul Williams rescued her, and Gary was sent to a sanitarium.

Victoria once again began chasing after her first husband Ryan McNeil who was separated from his psychotic wife Tricia. Ryan and Tricia’s father, Keith, talked Tricia into institutionalizing herself at Fairhaven, outside Genoa City. Tricia appeared to be making a miraculous recovery, signed divorce papers from Ryan to prove it, and checked herself out under the custody of her father. But behind his back she was not taking her medication, and she brought the evil Matt Clark back from the dead as a figment of her imagination. Together they plotted revenge against the Newmans. Tricia was obviously crazier and more dangerous than ever.

Meanwhile Victoria and Ryan found love again, moved in together, and were thinking about re-marriage. Victor was suspicious of Tricia, so he bought the apartment building where she lived, and installed security. When Tricia’s father Keith became incapacitated with a stroke, Victor convinced Tricia to live with him to monitor her medication and protect his daughter from her. But Tricia was able to fool her therapist and Victor, faked taking her medication, and sought revenge by drugging his tea with Rhohypnol, an erectile dysfunction medication, and raped him. Then Tricia beat herself up to further frame him, and Victor was arrested for rape. Paul combed the Penthouse surveillance tapes expecting to prove that Victor was set up, but apparently Tricia knew about the cameras and arranged to do everything out of their view, then walked into the cameras disheveled and distraught, supposedly post-rape. DNA tests on Tricia and Victor further proved her case, but once Victor realized he'd been drugged, the same DNA sample found them, and he was released on bail.

Meanwhile Tricia disappeared, leading everyone believe she was on a train to LA. She bought a wedding gown identical to Victoria's, locked Victoria in a closet, and marched down the aisle to Ryan on their wedding day. Before they took their vows, the delusional Tricia lifted the veil and expected Ryan to marry her instead. When Tricia realized that no one in the church was anything but aghast to see her, she pulled a gun. Victor arrived in time to free Victoria, and bargained with Tricia to get everyone else out of the church. But all came to a screeching halt when Victoria entered the room. Tricia fired at her and Ryan jumped between them, taking the bullets meant for Victoria. Ryan held on in the hospital for a few days, but died in Victoria’s arms. Tricia was institutionalized and the figment of Matt bade her farewell. The rape charges against Victor were dropped.

Victoria, suspicious of the relationship between Diego and Sharon, feigned interest in Diego. But she fell for him in spite of her intentions, and they began an affair. One day, just as Victoria and Diego were declaring their love, Sharon was admitting her dalliance with Diego to her husband Nick. Nick took it very badly, beat up Diego, then called up his old flame Grace and let her sooth his bruised ego in bed. Victoria found out about Diego being with Sharon and broke up with Diego. All the Newmans found out and took sides while Nick and Sharon told the kids they were separating once again. Diego explained to all that would listen that it was only one time, it meant nothing, and he was not the aggressor. No one believed him but Victoria, who forgave him. Unfortunately this meant Victoria had to go against her family's wishes to be with the man she loved. Victoria moved from the ranch, and she and Diego took temporary residence together in a hotel. Nick disowned her, Victor tried to pay off Diego while comforting Sharon, and Nikki tried to get everyone to give them some space, while she berated Sharon for her foolishness. But two thugs beat up Diego, took the $100,000 that Victor had given him, and Diego was later found and taken to the hospital as a John Doe. Victoria tracked down Diego. Although Diego was in serious condition, he recovered. Victoria was looking forward to buying a condo together, but Diego was more interested in revenge against the guys who beat him up. He arranged, with the help of Larry Warton, to coerce Victor into setting up the thugs. The plot worked, and the thugs were arrested, but Victoria decided she didn't like the vengeful man Diego had become and broke it off. Diego hit the road again for parts unknown.

Several months later, the Cosmetic Wars began between Newman Enterprises and Jabot Cosmetics. Tensions rose as nearly everyone's mate was the enemy. Victor headed up Newman, and his wife, Nikki, worked for Jabot. Jack was Jabot, and his wife, Phyllis, worked for Newman. Neil worked for Newman, and his fiancé, Drucilla, worked for Jabot. Victoria and Nick were in the middle with their parents on opposite sides. Victoria was resentful that Victor passed her over and mentored Nick to take over Newman one day, while Nick was unable to forgive Victor for being too close to his wife, Sharon. Newman Enterprises outbid Jabot to buy out Satine Cosmetics for Women of Color due to inside information that Drucilla let slip to Neil. To compete, Jabot decided to resurrect a similar shelved project of Ashley's called Tuvia. Drucilla got her payback when she found out that Newman was trying to woo Satine creator, Damon Porter, as the chemist for the newly named Safra line. Drucilla stole him away to work for Jabot during Ashley's maternity leave. Jabot was still hurting financially, but saw Tuvia as their savior. Jabot was depending on their reputation and fine product to put them back in the black, but Victor could not let Jabot win the war, so he blackmailed Michael Baldwin into paying off large retailers to give Newman the prime shelf space normally held by Jabot.

With both product's rollout only a day away, Victor felt the need to find the very pregnant Ashley where she was nesting at a resort just days away from delivery. He came there to tell her not to worry, which only made her worry. The next day, Newman's Safra was selling like hotcakes and finished a close second to Jabot's Tuvia. The Abbotts were shocked; the Newmans jubilant. Nick smelled a rat. Ashley, convinced Victor pulled a fast one, decided to drive to Genoa City to convince him to stop whatever he was doing to Jabot. Ashley's sport-utility vehicle was broad-sided just outside Genoa City, and Jack and Brad were on the scene as she was cut out of the vehicle and rushed to the hospital battered and bruised. As Brad held the hand of the unconscious Ashley, the fetal heart monitor stopped. Ashley was rushed into surgery, but baby Robert, named after John's father, died. Nearly everyone blamed Victor Newman. John went out to the ranch and punched Victor in the face. Ashley blamed herself, especially after Olivia delivered the news that Ashley couldn't have more children. When Victor came to see Ashley, she told him to go away. Brad went gunning for Victor to even the score. Later Ashley had another breakdown and happily showed people her newborn son which was nothing but a baby blanket, and refused to allow Brad to hold a memorial service. Ashley got the help and medication she needed and returned home.

Nick found out about Victor's dirty tricks, and turned him in to the Feds. Just afterward, Victor's brother Matt came to him with news that their father, Albert, was still alive. After Albert had abandoned his family when Victor and Matt were children, Albert had struck it rich and faked his own death. But now Albert was really dying in a hospital in Toronto, and Matt thought that Victor should know. Victor was coerced into going to see his father, but insisted Nick accompany him. Albert turned out to be a nasty old man who still wanted nothing to do with his son. Victor let him know how Albert had devastated him as a child and had haunted Victor his entire life, but that he had become a success in spite of Albert. Then Victor left in tears.

Michael Baldwin and Victoria were falling for each other about the time Victor's illegal activities came out. Victoria was so devastated and disappointed in her father that she left town, and eventually landed in Italy. It wasn't until a year later that Victor finally received a phone call from her. In early 2005, Jack Abbott tracked Victoria to Florence, Italy, where she had "found herself" as an artist, and was volunteering teaching children art in a convent school. Jack attempted to persuade her to return to Genoa City and assume the CEO position at Jabot. She turned him down, but intrigued, returned home to check things out. By the time Victoria decided to accept the position, it had already been given to Jill Abbot. Victoria was also disappointed to find Michael had fallen in love with Lauren Fenmore in her absence, and her position at Newman now held by Drucilla Winters. Jack offered Victoria the position of Jill's right hand at Jabot, but Victoria chose Victor's offer as Acting CEO at Newman. One of Victoria's first acts as CEO was to hire Brad Carlton. Despite his animosity with Brad, Victor approved. While Nick was still angry over his daughter Cassie's death, Brad made plans with Sharon for her return to Newman to work with him on the Touch of Nature project. Nick and Sharon grew further apart while both were haunted by apparitions of their dead daughter Cassie. When Nick decided to return to Newman, Victor made him and Victoria Co-CEO's. Sharon grew closer to Brad and his daughter Abby and was named Spokesperson for the line. Sharon and Brad had a close call with intimacy when in Denver on a business trip, but Sharon was dedicated to working on her marriage. After his declaration of love for Sharon was rebuffed, Brad instead asked Victoria Newman to marry him and she accepted, and Brad and Ashley finally divorced.

Due to her grandfather John Abbott's ill health and her stepmother Ashley being charged with the murder of Tom Fisher, Colleen retuned to Genoa City with a bad attitude. Everywhere she went she ran into Kevin Fisher, who once tried to kill her. If that wasn’t enough, all her former friends were convinced Kevin had changed and were friends with him. Colleen won J.T. back from Mac after J.T. had a one-night stand with Victoria - her father Brad's fiancé. Brad forgave Victoria but Colleen gave a vile speech at Victoria’s wedding shower suggesting Victoria be checked for VD before the marriage! Sharon waited until Brad and Victoria's wedding day to let Brad know that she was about to be available for him, but she was rebuffed, and Brad married Victoria, much to her father Victor's dismay. Weeks later, Brad and Sharon had a one-night-stand. Brad rebuffed any further advances by Sharon, but they were still confidants. Colleen moved into the loft apartment with J.T.

Victor hired Paul Williams Investigations to check on new son-in-law Brad's past, but after Victor sustained a head injury which changed his perspective on things, he asked Paul to drop the case. Then after Paul discovered in Cleveland from a high school annual photo, that this person was not the real Brad Carlton, J.T. became concerned for Brad's daughter Colleen, and stayed on the case. Colleen found out about it, and encouraged the investigation. With the help of Paul's Cleveland PI contact Kara, clues showed that the Kaplan family, including their 15 year old daughter had been murdered, and their 18 year old son George had been sought for questioning. Three months later George's body had been found, presumed the victim of a hit and run, and the police thought they had the murderer. At that same time Brad Carlton joined the Navy Seals.

After Victoria’s brother Nick told his wife Sharon that he and Phyllis were having a baby together, Sharon decided she didn't want Nick to stay married to her out of obligation. Sharon ran out of the office screaming divorce and ended up in the parking garage pounding the steering wheel of her SUV. Brad discovered her there, and his consoling turned to heavy making out. Sharon saw Nick watching them, but continued on with Brad. Nick decided to tell Victoria that he caught her husband making out with Sharon, but Brad beat him to the punch and confessed that they'd shared a kiss, but that his heart belonged to Victoria. Victoria seemed to accept it, but secretly consulted a lawyer about how to get possession of Brad's Newman stock if the marriage should end.

Victoria confronted Sharon about kissing Brad, then fired her from Newman. Sharon ran to Brad who sent her on a mysterious errand to deliver a red tote bag to a car downtown for him. Brad's daughter Colleen confronted him with what she knew about his mysterious past, and accused him of kidnapping J.T. Brad explained his past to Colleen, then hustled her and Abby off to the private jet where they met his mother Rebecca, and they flew to safety in Hawaii. Meanwhile Sharon arrived at Brad's to find the door ajar, and being mistaken for Brad's wife Victoria, was kidnapped and held captive with J.T. in Cleveland. Brad received a call from the kidnapper telling him they had Sharon. Victoria and Brad went back to Newman and brought Nick and Paul in on the case. Nikki volunteered to take Noah away on a mini-vacation to see her sister Casey to keep him safe and oblivious to the fact that his mother was missing. Brad had to explain to all his past as George Kaplan and that the kidnappers wanted an artifact called the Grudgeon Reliquary. Then J.T. was dumped unconscious on Brad's doorstep as a warning. After they wasted days trying to track down the Reliquary on the Internet and through art dealers, Victoria decided to create a fake using two other similar Grudgeon pieces. They took the fake to Cleveland and Nick met the kidnapper and his henchman for the exchange at a church. Meanwhile, misled by the kidnappers, Brad, Paul and J.T. were converging on the shipping crate where Sharon had been held which was booby-trapped with explosives. They disarmed it in time, then arrived in time to rescue Nick and Sharon as explosives attached to Sharon were about to detonate. Brad ended up fighting with the bad guys, and killed them both after the head guy admitted he was Oscar Volkmann, son of the Commandant who was executed after Brad's mother's testimony. All arrived safely back in Genoa City and vowed to never tell what went on for everyone's safety. But later Brad and Victoria told Victor and Nikki, and Nick told Phyllis. Victor became determined to find the Grudgeon Reliquary. He and Brad posed as art connoisseurs searching for the reliquary. After some tense moments they managed to fool the sellers and purchase it. They brought it home to Rebecca who found an inscription which was in code. Thanks to Colleen confiding in her art history professor and lover, Adrian Korbel, Adrian solved the puzzle which revealed a treasure worth billions that was concealed in the catacombs in the Czech Republic.

The controversial NVP spa project known as Clear Springs had everyone at Newman taking sides. Jack, Victor, Phyllis and Nick felt that a large development would revitalize a dying town, and Nikki, Brad, and Victoria were opposed because it would wipe out historic structures there. Nikki and Neil ran for the vacant Newman board seat to boost the votes for their side, and thanks to Phyllis's blackmail of Brad over his affair with Sharon, Victor's yes-man Neil won, so they appeared to have the upper hand on Clear Springs. But Brad got Phyllis arrested for extortion, she was found guilty, and later went to prison.

Victoria and Brad were expecting a baby, but Brad still did not stop finding ways to be with Sharon, who was married to Jack, and let Sharon know how much he still loved her. Victoria got suspicious and hired J.T. to find out what was going on, and the one night Brad with Sharon in a hotel room in New York City was discovered. The news caused Victoria to miscarry, and she later filed for divorce. Brad went to Sharon and told her that he was about to be free, but she shot him down and said she was happy with Jack. Meanwhile Victoria and J.T. began an affair and she moved in with him after she found out she was again pregnant. Thanks to one night with Brad after the miscarriage, Victoria was not sure who was the father of her baby.

One day everyone in Genoa City seemed to be at Clear Springs when its underground parking structure and casino collapsed, trapping several of them inside. Sharon, Jack, and Nick were there to scout for a photo shoot. Nick was knocked out, and Jack was pinned by debris, but Nick awoke and freed them. Sharon's leg was sprained, but they managed to find an opening in the rubble. Jack levered it open allowing Nick and Sharon to escape, leaving him there still trapped. While Jack waited to be rescued, he wrote a note to Sharon confessing how much he loved her. Meanwhile Amber crawled out of her crushed car and made her way to an elevator, and found Kay bruised and dirty inside, having been left there while her grandson Cane and J.T. crawled up the shaft for help. Also trapped were Adrian Korbel with a very pregnant Victoria, and Lauren and Noah trapped with Paul. Nikki and others stood vigil on the outside, waiting while rescuers cleared rubble and tried to get to the victims. Phyllis, still in prison, heard about it on TV, got no answer on Nick's cell, and received the news when she called Victor. Sharon and Nick walked out of the rubble and asked rescuers to go back for Jack. The rescue workers said it was too dangerous, that methane was escaping and about to blow up, so Victor went in and rescued his worst enemy, Jack. Cane and J.T. made it out, but Cane fooled them into believing he'd had rescue training in Australia, and went back to rescue Kay and Amber. Sharon and Nick were relieved when Noah was carried out on a stretcher. Then the dead body of the construction foreman was removed, ironic because the reason Cane and Kay were there was to investigate the foreman for shoddy work and kickbacks. Finally Korbel and Victoria emerged, just as a methane blast occurred. Victoria was hit on the head with a rock, knocked out, and rolled down the pile of debris.

Still pregnant, Victoria spent months in a coma while her family and fiancé J.T. held vigil at her bedside. They finally had to decide if the baby should be delivered prematurely to save Victoria. J.T. and Victor chose to deliver, but Nikki insisted that Victoria would rather her baby live, so the decision was taken to court. They ended up waiting a couple more weeks until the baby had a better chance, then baby boy Reed was delivered. A DNA test was run and J.T. was pronounced the father. Reed thrived in the hospital, while Victoria was taken back to the ranch, still comatose. Nikki and Victor were separated, so Victor lived in the ranch house while Nikki took residence in Sharon's cottage with David Chow, forever there in Victor's face. Not long after J.T. brought Reed home, Victoria woke up from her coma. Victoria and J.T. were married, and they moved back to the loft apartment with Reed. Victor made his new son-in-law J.T. head of Newman Security, and Victoria went back to work. It wasn’t long before J.T. and Victoria decided to move to the ranch, and live in Sharon and Nick’s former house.

Victor's son with Hope, Victor Jr., suddenly showed up in Victor's office, accepted a job, and asked to be called Adam so there would be less confusion and so that the wrong message was not sent. His first assignment was to work with Victoria on the Beauty of Nature project. He was flaunting his Harvard education and superior work ethic in Victoria, Nick, and Neil's faces, going over Victoria's head with decisions, and hitting on Nick's wife Phyllis, leaving everyone guessing at Adam's agenda.

Best friends Sabrina Costelana and Victoria Newman had met when they attended the Guggenheim Program together in Florence, Italy, when Sabrina had been getting her Masters in Art History, and Victoria had been an under graduate. They met again and were roommates in Paris where Sabrina was the Art Curator at the Pompidou Museum. After Paris, Victoria returned to Genoa City, but met up with Sabrina again when she left Newman Enterprises and went to Florence for a few years. Sabrina was working with private collectors procuring artwork, and Victoria was teaching art at a convent school.

With plans of starting a new beginning in New York City as a Consulting Private Curator, Sabrina had just broken up with her lover, Phillipe, a talented artist she placed in an art show only to have him dump her afterward. Phillipe claimed to want her back, called often and said he made a lot of mistakes. Victoria, newly married and with a new baby, persuaded Sabrina to live at Newman Ranch during her stay. Sabrina began spending a lot of time in the company of Victor, who was recently divorced from Nikki, and was living alone at the Newman ranch. They spoke French to each other and shared their love of art. About the time Sabrina tried to tell Victoria of her growing romantic interest in her father, Victoria told her how much she hoped her parents would reconcile for the umpteenth time.

Though Sabrina’s art preference was Modern where Victor’s was Classic, Sabrina convinced Victor to invest in Modern art after a trip to Los Angeles in which he wooed and won her. On returning to Genoa City, Victor decided to open the city's first art museum in the ground floor of a building Nick owned - a building on which Victor just happened to own the mortgage. The building also headquartered the Restless Style magazine on an upper floor. Sabrina decided she had to tell her friend Victoria that she and Victor were having an affair. Victoria was aghast, called Sabrina an opportunist and threw her out of her house. Sabrina made several attempts to reconcile with Victoria, but was continually rebuffed. Victoria eventually quit Newman due to the friction with her father and with Adam usurping her position, and went to work for her mother at Jabot. After only a month together, Victor presented Sabrina with a lavish ring and popped the question, to which Sabrina said yes. The next day Adam accepted Victor's offer to move to the ranch to get to know him better, and moved in. Sabrina was not pleased, as she and Adam did not get along because each thought the other was an opportunist. Nikki reacted to the news of their engagement by eloping with David to Mexico.

After many discarded ideas, Victor and Sabrina decided to get married in an old barn near the ranch, and Victor had it cleaned up and decorated beautifully for the occasion. Since Victoria and Nick were still on the outs with them, Victoria turned down Sabrina's offer to be her matron of honor, and Adam was asked to be best man without Victor even consulting Nick. Sabrina, unable to get any of her other friends from abroad to come to the wedding, chose her new assistant Jana Hawkes as her maid of honor. Victor's daughter Abby and Nick's daughter Summer were flower girls. The day before the wedding, much to her displeasure, Sabrina's estranged mother Zara showed up. Nick attended the wedding, and although she tried to get out of it, Victoria, J.T., and baby Reed arrived just as the bride was walking down the aisle. Victoria caught Zara taking photos of the wedding to sell to the media, and she managed to get the memory card out of the camera to foil her plans. Victor and Sabrina left for Paris on their honeymoon where Victor bought her a chateau. Back in Genoa City, Adam caught Zara taking a video tour of the ranch to sell, stopped her and later kindly ushered into a limo and onto a plane with a one way ticket home.

As Victor predicted, the first edition of his son Nick's Restless Style magazine/webzine did not do as well as expected, so the second had a hipper cover featuring hot singer Katy Perry. Then Adrian Korbel was hired to do an article on Sabrina and the Newman Gallery for the third issue which she and Victor approved, and Victoria stepped up as a last minute replacement for the cover model which was done in a Hollywood retro style. Though Adrian stumbled upon a rumor that Sabrina had wrangled an exhibition for her lover Phillipe when she was Art Curator at the Pompidou Museum in Paris which could shed new light on the latest Mrs. Victor Newman, he decided not to make a big deal about it. But Jack did some further research on it and turned Adrian’s article into a scandalous one that upset everyone, but the magazine sold into a fourth printing. Jack had sent Adrian off to Australia to do another article, so he was furious when he returned. Assuming Nick was in on the scandalous article and that Victoria had turned against Sabrina for marrying her father, Victor cut them both out of his will as he added Adam and Sabrina.

The yearly Charity Gala, organized that year by Sabrina and Victoria under the watchful eye of Kay Chancellor, was in full swing with all the Genoa City regulars attending in cocktail party attire. Devon and Ana entertained singing with a chorus. Chloe chose the occasion to announce her pregnancy by Cane just as Cane was proposing to Lily. Adam left Heather on the patio for a moment when mobster Walter tried to hit on her. Nikki and David were playing the happy couple one last time before Nikki filed for divorce. Victor told Sabrina he would send a limo for her, when he left with Michael to meet with Phillipe at the ranch to confirm or deny the scandalous story about Sabrina. While David spiked Nikki’s drink with enough morphine to kill her, Phillipe told Victor the story as he told it to Jack Abbott, not as he had told Korbel, for the article. Paul and J.T. figured out that David had mob ties and feared for Nikki’s safety, arrived just in time to take the drugged Nikki to the hospital. Meanwhile David searched for Nikki, then gave up, and waited for his limo at the front door. Sabrina was there waiting for her own but was not feeling well and begged David to share his limo and drop her off at Newman ranch on his way home. David relented, noticed the driver was not the one who had dropped them off, and that he mistakenly called them Mr. and Mrs. Newman. Eight miles down the road another car ran them off the road and the limo crashed, the driver was killed instantly, and both David and Sabrina seriously injured. Victor was notified by Michael that David and Nikki’s limo had been involved in a serious accident, and Victor went to the crash site. Paramedics were still working on David, and Victor was told that “Mrs. Newman” had already been transported to the hospital. Thinking she could possibly be dying, Victor had flashbacks of the happy times with Nikki. Then he noticed Sabrina’s earring in the limo and it dawned on him which Mrs. Newman was in jeopardy. He climbed out of the wrecked limo and accosted David Chow, demanding to know if Sabrina was with him and why. But David was too far gone to answer, and later died. Victor rushed to the hospital to find Sabrina near death. He refused to believe she would die and demanded Michael order specialists, dialysis machines, and organ donors to save her. The family was there to support Nikki who had come out of the morphine overdose just fine. Once they heard about Sabrina, Nick and Victoria tried to see her, but Victor kept them at bay. Eventually after discovering the lies that Jack had put into the article, Victoria needed to let Sabrina know that she was wrong about her and ask her forgiveness. Although Victoria did get to see Sabrina and they had a nice chat about old times enjoyed together, Victoria never did get to tell Sabrina she was sorry before Sabrina died alone after asking Victor to get her some ice chips. After Sabrina’s death Victor was left alone to say goodbye. When Nikki showed up at the door Victor attacked her, accusing her of bringing David Chow into their lives and causing Sabrina’s death. He spat in her face that he wished it was Nikki in there dead, not Sabrina. Nikki was taken home by Nick and had a scary dream where David came to her and evilly told her what a fool he'd made of her, and David showed her Sabrina and the child whose death she had caused.

Victor left guests waiting at Sabrina's funeral only to have the minister tell them that the funeral had been held earlier privately and her body was already interred. Victor had disappeared, leaving his cell phone, wallet and epilepsy medication buried on Sabrina’s grave. Adam in his concern, decided to change his name to Victor Newman Jr. Meanwhile the stockholders at Newman voted Victoria back in as Co-CEO in Victor’s absence, and because the ranch was part of Newman Enterprises, Victoria took it upon herself to kick Adam out.

Paul traced Victor to Bucerias, Mexico, where he had been hanging out in a cantina awaiting the arrival of Walter Palin, AKA mobster Tony Amato, the man he held responsible for Sabrina's death. Paul and Nikki went there to find Victor, but Paul had to return when his daughter Heather had a medical emergency. Nikki went off the wagon in her grief after the authorities told her that Victor had been declared dead when his fishing boat broke up in a storm. Later a body washed up onshore, but Nikki did not let on that she recognized it as Walter.

A drunken Nikki called Katherine and told her that Victor was dead. Kay tried to keep her on the line while she called Nick on another phone. Adam reacted to the news by requesting the Mexican government FAX him a death certificate. Michael took charge and read the will which gave Newman Enterprises and the ranch to Adam. Nick was given the Restless Style building free and clear, and Victoria the Newman art collection. Abby and grandchildren Noah and Summer and any future grandchildren were given a percentage of the estate. Letters written to his children were later read in private. Victor wrote to Nick that he had been a disappointment, but that he had been hard on him to make him tough. Victor apologized for not being a good father, saying he was proud of Nick, the best father Nick’s children could hope for. Victor wrote to Adam that he was most like himself and encouraged him to make him proud, but to be generous to his brother and sister. To Victoria Victor wrote of love and adoration, that she was best parts of him and the very soul of Newman. Adam threw away his letter, had Heather move into the ranch with him, declared himself Victor Newman Jr., and took charge at Newman by firing Neil and hiring Brad Carlton.

Nikki, still in Mexico, walked the beach and wailed pitifully for Victor, and collapsed in the sand. When she looked up, there he was, alive and very upset with her for being there. He told her to go home, that he wanted the world to think he was dead. In response to her declaration that she still loved him, he replied that he wished one of them had the guts to kill the other to put them out or their misery. Nikki returned to Genoa City. Not long afterward Victor returned and Michael filled him in on what had happened in his absence. Victor summoned his children and Neil to the ranch. First he fired Adam and made Neil CEO of Newman, then told Adam to live elsewhere and his things would be sent to him. Neil later asked Victoria to return to Newman at her father’s suggestion. Nick and Victoria were thrilled to see their father alive, but although he forgave them for their treatment of Sabrina and thanked them for their actions when they thought he was dead, he was still cold to them and asked them to leave him in his seclusion to heal. Then Victor got Zapato from the kennel where Adam had banished him, fired all the help, made a nation-wide statement to leave him alone, and hired security guards to keep everyone away. Even Nikki had to smash a window to try to talk to him. Adam was roughed up by the guards and taken off to jail when he tried to see him. Jack had no luck getting through to Victor. He even threatened to publish the photos of Sabrina unconscious and bloody at the accident scene. Victor did allow his old friend Katherine in, heard her out, then asked her to leave. After weeks of Victor being a recluse at the ranch, Nick heard music coming from Sabrina’s art gallery and found Victor there passed out due dehydration. The family was turned away at the hospital by a surly Victor. They were about to have him committed for his own safety, but he managed to disappear, and had been last seen flying away on the Newman jet. To revive confidence in Newman, Neil hired Nick back part-time as an advisor.

Neil and Karen Taylor decided to marry earlier than planned to help them get custody of Ana Hamilton. Their wedding was held New Year's Eve 2008 at Indigo with Victoria as Matron of Honor and Victor arriving at the last minute to be Neil's Best Man.

In late January of 2009, Sharon went up to the Abbott lake house to be alone and think about what to do with her life after divorce papers were served on Jack. Brad showed up and declared his love, but Sharon sent him away. On the drive home, Brad had car trouble, got out, and heard the screams of Noah Newman who had gone skating with Eden and fallen through the ice. Brad died a hero after he pulled Noah from the hole in the ice, when he fell through himself and drowned. Meanwhile back in Genoa City, Abby and Colleen, concerned that Brad never showed for his dinner date with them, got J.T. and Billy to help search for him. Colleen and J.T. found Brad’s car about the same time Noah remembered and told Victoria that it was Brad who rescued him. J.T. and Colleen heard a boy playing on the ice scream as he discovered Brad's body showing through the ice. J.T. checked out the situation and had to deliver the bad news to Colleen. Colleen and Abby were both devastated by the news, and Victoria and Ashley commiserated over the loss of their former husband.

A Jewish service was held with the immediate family, his daughters Colleen and Abby, and his ex-wives Traci, Victoria, and Ashley. Brad's mother was unable to attend, and former lover Nikki was out of town. Sharon visited the grave alone, told him she always loved him and thanked him for saving Noah’s life. In the Jewish tradition, a headstone was not laid until a week later.

Victoria was upset when Victor talked Ashley into taking the deceased Brad’s position on the Newman board, but Colleen showed up at the board meeting vote citing Newman by-laws that would allow her to assume her father's board seat. Victor called in J.T. to try to talk her out of it, but he failed. Victor suspected Jack was behind it, and he was, although Colleen wanted to do it for Brad as well.

“Thomas Balfour’ approached Victoria to buy a painting for the Newman collection, but she recognized it as stolen art. Victoria called Jana over to verify, and Jana was shocked to discover it was Daniel’s forgery, and “Balfour” was the fake FBI man. Victoria made a deal to meet him with the cash and he left, then she notified the real Agent Aucker. Much to J.T.’s dismay, Aucker put a wire on Victoria and supplied the cash for the exchange, but Daniel showed up before her, and “Balfour” pulled a gun on Daniel. Someone in a ski mask attacked “Balfour” from behind and left “Balfour” shot. When Daniel asked who shot him, the guy said that it was Daniel and died, so Daniel fled. When Victoria arrived, the masked person knocked crates down on top of her and took off with the briefcase of money. Daniel was the chief suspect because his prints were on the gun after he threw it out of the victim’s grasp, and both the forged painting and the $100,000 were gone. The masked person was last seen planting the briefcase in the office of the coffee house, which the Feds found, and Daniel was arrested. Phyllis made his bail, but Jana as his accomplice, was denied bail due to her criminal record. Daniel and Amber were intent on finding the real killer to clear them both.

After Ashley's tormentor chopped the baby's head from the statue of Sabrina and her baby in the garden at the ranch, Victor decided that for Ashley’s sake, it was time to move on from mourning Sabrina. Still feeling guilty about the way she treated her friend Sabrina, Victoria was very distressed when Victor had the statue removed and took down Sabrina’s sketched portrait from the living room wall. But Victor did ask Victoria to rebuild the Newman art collection that he had sold after Sabrina's death.

As a favor to Victor to get Colleen off the Newman Board, Gloria and Jeff arranged for Aiden, the Athletic Club bartender and an aspiring actor, to get Colleen drunk at Jimmy's Bar, where Jeff took video of her dancing on a table baring her breasts. Gloria got Kevin to unknowingly put “a video” out on the Internet, and gave her an untraceable email address to make sure everyone saw it. Victoria did, and under Victor’s orders she called Colleen to Newman to demand her resignation. Meanwhile Victor gave Ashley the news that she would be getting the board position. Colleen brought Billy along and refused to sign, accusing Victor of arranging the setup. Victoria told Colleen that they would have her removed, and Colleen said she would sue. Victor and Victoria were also furious with J.T. because the video showed him pulling Colleen down off the table. Victor asked J.T. for an explanation, and he said he felt that it was important to help a friend to keep from humiliating herself, to which Victor asked for his resignation. J.T. and Victoria's relationship eroded further when J.T. suggested that Victor had set up Colleen. Paul talked J.T. into joining him in a new detective partnership, and he became involved in the Mary Jane Benson investigation. J.T. discovered through Mac that she had been hiding out at her bar, stolen from Mac, and disappeared, leaving a note that claimed Victor knew all about Mary Jane, which also infuriated Victoria.

J.T. gave Colleen a ride home and reminiscing about their former relationship led to necking on the couch. Meanwhile Victoria and Deacon closed an art deal with champagne in his suite, and were getting cozy when Amber interrupted. Both J.T. and Victoria left before it went any further, J.T. telling Colleen that he wouldn't jeopardize his marriage and child. But within days, after an argument with J.T. claiming that Victor was behind Mary Jane's reign of terror, Victoria went to Deacon’s room at the Athletic Club, and they had sex. Victoria eventually admitted her fling to J.T. who was terribly disillusioned.

After Victor recovered from a heart transplant, he insisted Adam have a place at Newman under Nick's purview as a Junior Vice President. On Adam's first day on the job he gave the SEC an anonymous tip that Victoria had not disclosed the gravity of Victor's condition to the recently acquired Savaneur company stockholders, and the SEC began investigating. Adam continued to pull tricks on both Nick and Victoria to get his foot further in the door at Newman. Victor visited Colleen’s grave, bought Nikki a ring, and left Faith a video of his version of his life. Then Victor and Nikki said their goodbyes and left for a cardiac rehab center in Belgium. Meanwhile Billy discovered Victoria's affair with Deacon and exposed it on the Restless Style website, and J.T. took a job in New York and left her a goodbye note. But Victoria caught him at the airport and they left for New York together. Victoria told Nick the company was his, that her marriage and their child were more important. A few weeks later, they returned, J.T. with a new job at Tucker McCall’s company which was moving its headquarters to Genoa City. J.T.'s loyalty to Tucker and Victoria's to Newman and her one night stand with Deacon continued to come between them, and Victoria left alone to Dubai on Newman business to give them some space. J.T. was thrilled when Victoria returned wanting to start again, but once she found that he was still loyal to Tucker while she was now the President of the Newman’s newly-acquired Jabot, they realized they were irreparably split and decided to end their marriage. Victoria was livid after Victor told her about his illegal plot to buy Jabot and make her CEO. After all the trouble she had been in with the SEC, she declined to become CEO of Jabot under these circumstances. What began as an amicable divorce was complicated when J.T. insisted that Victoria was too wrapped up in business to be a good mother, and wanted custody of Reed.

Although they were sworn enemies, Billy Abbott was spending a lot of time bantering with Victoria, especially since she and J.T. had decided to divorce. One day Billy grabbed and kissed her and got a smack across the face for it. But eventually Billy’s charm won her over and they became lovers. Victor saw Victoria and Billy getting along too well at the annual charity masquerade ball and threatened Billy, so Billy left and returned in another mask, and they continued to spend the evening together. They eventually ducked upstairs to a room and were making love when a gas explosion rocked the Athletic Club. They quickly dressed and made it outside separately.

After the explosion, Victoria’s half-brother, Adam, was found dead in the basement. Because a fancy European pen found at the crime scene was determined to be the murder weapon that had stabbed Adam in the heart and was traced to Victoria, she was arrested for the murder of Adam. Meanwhile, J.T. was granted full custody of Reed when Victoria did not show up for the custody hearing. At Victoria’s arraignment, Billy interrupted proclaiming her innocence because she had been in his hotel room at the time of the murder, but Victoria refused to admit it was true. Meanwhile Jill was reporting the latest Newman scandal on the Restless Style website, and was Twittering updates, for which Billy later fired her. The murder charge against Victoria was later dropped.

Victoria’s appeal for custody of Reed was lost because Tucker reported to the court that Victor had kept J.T. from arriving in time. To top it off her divorce decree arrived later, so to get away and forget their problems, Victoria and Billy took the next plane to Kingston, Jamaica, with no luggage or plans. They joined a Jamaican wedding party on the beach where rum and Billy’s teasing and charm made him the life of the party. He made her laugh and smile again telling everyone about their love/hate relationship. Deliriously drunk, they got married too. Back in Genoa City, Mac, J.T., and Reed went for a drive in his GTO and ended up at a drive-in movie watching The Three Stooges and eating nachos. They began to realize they had more in common than ever before, and the old spark was still there. As J.T. said, “The stuff you never see coming, is exactly what you want.”

Billy’s friend, Rafe, invited his friends to a party at Jimmie’s Bar to celebrate the opening of his private law practice. On his arm was his new boyfriend, Tyler. Billy and Victoria attended but kept their distance. Abby had been trying to coerce Billy into funding and publicizing her television reality show “The Naked Heiress”, but because he refused she shouted congratulations to them on their marriage, then played their Jamaican wedding video on her phone when no one believed her. J.T. and Mac were appalled to think Billy and Victoria had run off together, gotten drunk, and ended up married. Victor was furious when he was informed and got Michael on it. Michael discovered a Jamaican law that invalidated the marriage because it had occurred after 8:00 p.m., and Billy and Victoria reluctantly parted, saying what a bad match they were anyway. But, unable to resist each other, they continued to meet for fun and sex, and finally admitted that they loved each other.

Because Tucker’s snooping into his business dealings was making Victor suspicious, Victoria traveled to Japan for her father with a rare gift to ensure their deal with Mitsukoshi department stores remained intact, and Billy tagged along. Just before Victoria left for her meeting with Mitsukoshi’s representative, Tucker and Ashley greeted her and Billy in the hotel bar. After returning to Genoa City, Billy found on the Internet that the gift, which he had peeked at, was a priceless antique gun. Tucker made a deal with Jill to find out what the gift had been in exchange for a detective to get more information on Jill’s real parents. Guessing Billy’s password, Jill found the gun in his web search history, and gave the information to Tucker. Tucker confronted Victor with it hoping he could leverage Victor into giving up the Newman cosmetics line, but instead Victor went to the authorities and explained the illegal gift. Billy fired Jill when he found out what she had done, and he and Victoria made up once she realized it had not been him who told Tucker about the gift.

Victor continued to interfere in Victoria’s romance with Billy, reminding her that Newmans and Abbotts did not mix well. Victor threatened to let her take the fall for the illegal gun gift, and made her choose between him and Billy. Victoria chose Billy and handed in her resignation. Victoria pondered where to go after she moved out of the ranch, Billy asked her to move in with him, and she accepted. They celebrated by getting tattoos, Victoria’s on her lower back saying “Billy Abbott” and Billy’s on his shoulder saying “Victoria.” But the tattoo artist had a heart attack and was taken away by ambulance leaving Billy’s unfinished. To his dismay, his shoulder said “Victor”. (Later when Victor saw it, he paid another tattoo artist to finish it.) As much as Victoria was committed to her new life with Billy, waking up that first morning and realizing that she was living in a double-wide with no room for her stuff, not to mention her son when he visited, she and Billy decided to go house hunting.

They called the realtor and were assigned a new agent, who turned out to be Gloria Bardwell. Gloria showed them a house that was redone exactly like the house in one of their favorite old television shows, Father Knows Best. With rooms for both Delia and Reed, Billy and Victoria fell in love with it, and bought it on the spot. They had just moved in when Billy was shocked to see a pregnancy test kit fall out of Victoria’s bag. While she took the test, Billy went to Jimmie’s Bar for a stiff drink. Mac overheard his circumstances and sent him home to Victoria. Then the spirit of his dead father, John, made him realize that he really loved Victoria. So Billy went home and presented Victoria with an engagement ring before even hearing the results, and she accepted his proposal. Victoria took another test, and rushed down the stairs shouting “We’re pregnant!” not realizing that her parents were there in the living room with Billy. Nikki was thrilled for them, but Victor was livid.

Billy and Victoria wanted to get married the next day, but since they could not get a license, they planned a trip to Las Vegas. When Nikki heard, she pulled some strings with her friend, Judge Anderson, and got them a license. Judge Anderson officiated at the impromptu ceremony in Victoria and Billy’s front yard. (An inside joke: Judge Anderson was played by Elinor Donohue, who played Betty in Father Knows Best.) But just as the vows were being exchanged, Victoria was arrested for violating the laws governing foreign gifts. As she was being dragged to the police car, Judge Anderson quickly finished the vows, and they were officially married. Vance Abrams took her case, but Victoria spent her wedding night in jail. Victor visited the following morning and admitted that he had turned her in – for her own good, and offered to have the charges dropped if she would get rid of Billy. Victoria declined, told Victor he would never again be a part of her life or her children’s, and went back to her cell. Vance got Victoria released on bail, and Victor finally relented and admitted to the authorities that Victoria was delivering the gun under his orders, but Victoria refused to forgive him. Victoria was offered an executive position with Jabot by Tucker McCall. The newlyweds sealed their marriage by having wedding rings tattooed on their ring fingers. Following another shouting match with Victor, Victoria had some pain and lost her baby at seven weeks.

Mac told J.T. that she wanted to return to Darfur to get her mind off the twins, but J.T. convinced her that her future was in Genoa City with him, and asked her to move in with him. Mac accepted, and Reed was thrilled. After Victoria learned that they were living together, she decided to fight for custody of Reed again. But J.T., pointing at the exposed “Billy Abbott” tattoo on her lower back, reminded her that with her lack of employment and a home, he would still appear to be the more stable parent and win.

Abby hired Vance Abrams to sue Victor for mismanagement of her trust. Victor tried to dissolve the trust but Vance had put a freeze on it. Abby dropped the lawsuit when she saw how Victor had Victoria arrested on her wedding day to get what he wanted. After Jack gave Abby evidence that Victor had used money from each of his children’s trusts to pay his fine for bribery of the Japanese official, Abby re-filed her lawsuit for three billion dollars, and served the papers to Victor herself. When she told Victoria about it, she joined Abby in the lawsuit, but Nick refused. On the anniversary of Colleen’s death, Victor was reminded that getting her heart had not changed him, so he offered a settlement. He asked Victoria to return to Newman and offered to let Abby create an entertainment division for her reality television show. Saying they could not be bought and wanted to be independent, they turned down the offer.

They went into mediation, and Victor made them another offer for half of what they had asked. But Victoria decided she wanted Beauty of Nature instead, Abby went along with it, and Victor turned them down flat. At a stalemate, the judge ordered an audit of the Newman books to decide how much money had been mismanaged and if Beauty of Nature was a reasonable settlement. Victor refused and was about to be hauled off to jail, when they were stopped by Heather Stevens, whose campaign Victor was financing. Heather said the case was being reheard by a higher court, and later confided in Victor that she hoped this favor would not reflect badly on her career and campaign for District Attorney. Unfortunately for Heather, Billy Abbott found out and accused her on the Restless Style webzine of using her office to grant Victor favors, and she dropped out of the race in disgrace. Victoria let Tucker know that she was hoping to get Beauty of Nature in a settlement with her father, which she would sell to Tucker if he allowed her to be CEO of the company. Victor later lost the appeal, and his company financial records were seized.

Nikki began drinking again, so Victor checked her in to Solidarity house, putting Victoria on the banned visitors list. But Billy told Nikki who gave Victor hell for daring to bar her daughter from seeing her.

Mac received a job offer from a non-profit in Washington, DC, and they decided it could be a new start for them both with J.T. working there too. J.T. and Mac packed to move, and J.T. gave Victoria the news that he intended to take their son Reed with them. Victoria threw a fit and J.T. reminded her that he had full custody. Victoria conferred with both Michael and Vance, who told her she had no right to stop them. Hearing the news, Katherine decided J.T. and Mac needed an impromptu wedding that very day. With the help of Chloe and Kevin, some strings pulled by Katherine to get a license, and Mac’s father Brock arriving to perform the ceremony, they were married at the Chancellor Estate. Paul was the best man, and Lily the matron of honor. Billy and Victoria attended the ceremony, ironically each extending their ex-husband and wife good wishes for a happy life together. Then after Victoria bade a tearful goodbye to her son promising that he would come to visit a lot and they would video chat, J.T., Mac, and Reed left for Washington DC driving the GTO off into the sunset.

Billy and Victoria continued to try to have another baby, but were disappointed month after month. Christmas 2010 arrived, and Victoria looked forward to a visit from Reed. But when J.T. called Billy to report that Reed’s flight was grounded, they worked out a plan for J.T. to drive Reed to Philadelphia, and for Billy to pick him up when he arrived in Genoa City to surprise Victoria.

Victoria was devastated when told by her doctor that there was little chance that she would ever have another baby, so Billy was determined to get her one. He contacted Primrose DeVille, niece of infamous baby broker Rose Deville and paid two million dollars for a newborn baby girl (who unknown to anyone, was the abandoned child of Daisy Carter and Daniel Romalotti). Retro-TV-lovers, Billy and Victoria, named the red-haired baby “Lucy”, after Lucille Ball. The more Daniel looked at baby Lucy, the more he was convinced that she was Daisy’s baby. Torn as to whether or not to tell anyone, Daniel grabbed a misplaced pacifier to find out for sure. Daniel continued to see her, looking at her in awe and calling her the tiny girl with the big secret.

After Kevin asked Jana to move out of his apartment, she found a better job as Lucy Abbott's nanny, and moved into the garage apartment behind Billy and Victoria's house.

Even after Nick confronted Victor with evidence that he was responsible for Skye's death and the mother of his children being accused of Skye's murder, Victor claimed that he was not involved. Bad timing for Victor, as Nick then decided to join his sisters in their lawsuit against Victor for mismanaging their trusts. So Michael attempted to pressure Abby to drop out of the lawsuit while Victor worked on Nick. Victor told Nick that if they won their lawsuit, Victor would be forced to take Newman public, and they would only get a one time settlement with no future profits, and they would no longer be a part of the company. Victor threatened that their legacy to their children would be that they destroyed Newman as a family business, and that hundreds of people would lose their jobs because of the greed of his children. Desperate to make sure he did not lose the lawsuit, Victor made a deal with Adam. Adam was to claim that he had forged their new trust agreements during the time when Victor was supposedly dead and Adam had control of Newman. In exchange, Victor drew up a new trust agreement for Adam, and Victor guaranteed Adam that he would not be prosecuted for the forgery, and that Sharon would be freed from the murder charges.

Adam testified at the arbitration hearing, but Sharon later talked him into backing out of the deal. When Victor found out, he threatened to expose that Adam had been making it look like Skye was still alive in an attempt to clear Sharon. Then Nick talked Adam into leaving town instead to both avoid Victor, and to reunite Sharon with her daughter Faith.

The next day, Neil testified that when Adam was in charge at Newman, Neil had kept Adam from accessing anything that would have made the forgery possible. The judge awarded Abby, Victoria, and Nick five hundred million dollars each, and ordered Adam arrested for perjury. Victor left with Michael, demanding that he find a way to overrule the judge's decision. The Newman children left to celebrate, but found it difficult when they realized and felt guilty that the verdict had come down on their father's birthday. Victoria and Nick both went to Victor and tried to make amends, but were rebuffed. After Victor quickly married Diane, and a few more altercations with his father, Nick decided to join Victoria in acquiring and running Beauty of Nature.

Victoria and Billy chose Abby to be godmother to Lucy, and unable to decide between Nick or Jack as godfather, they asked both and all three agreed. At the last minute the priest discovered that Lucy's birth certificate was not the original, because it was missing the state seal. Billy went back to Primrose who stamped it with a Wisconsin stamp, and the Christening went on as planned. Victor even showed up but stayed out of sight.

Instead of accepting his children's settlement offer, Victor held a press conference to announce that he was taking Newman public. The Abbotts and Newmans, plus Tucker and Kay, watched the television at Victoria's house in shock, knowing that Victor had always promised that would never happen. Katherine was there, and denounced them for causing it, saying she was ashamed of them. Nikki just wanted it all to stop, and left too. Billy left for the press conference, and arrived in time to ask if Victor had done this rather than give his kids the settlement they were granted. Victor replied that he loved his kids, but they were influenced by some unsavory characters, and that he was saddened that they were not there to enjoy the new era of Newman.

In the end, Tucker fired Jack for not bringing him Beauty of Nature, as promised, Victoria and Nick were arranging to buy up stock, as were Jack and Ashley. Abby just wanted her settlement in cash, and Tucker asked Kay to buy stock with him to stop the kids from gaining control. Kay called it a scheme, said she was not a fool, and would have no part of it. Then Kay went to Victor offering to pool her funds with his so that none of them could seize control of Newman from him.

Daniel confessed to Billy that he had DNA test proof that Lucy was his daughter. Although Daniel wanted Lucy to stay with Billy and Victoria, he and Billy agreed that they needed to stop Jana who was getting too close to discovering the truth. The next morning, Billy and Victoria awoke to discover that Lucy and Delia were missing, and so was Jana. Alerts went out that the children were kidnapped, and all the Newmans, Abbotts, and Chancellors joined the police search and prayed for Jana and the children. Chloe tore into Billy about the many times she had warned him about Jana's instability and danger to their children.

Jana called Kevin to meet her at an abandoned daycare center. When he arrived, Jana handed Lucy to Kevin and informed him that she was his niece. Once Kevin understood that Billy was the person who had bought Daisy's baby, he was relieved that she was in good hands. But delusional Jana told Kevin that Lucy belonged with them, that they could reunite, leave town, and become a family together. Kevin calmly praised Jana for her devotion to him, and told her that he wanted to be with Jana and start their own family, so they needed to return the children. Jana agreed to take the children to St. Mary's church, and Kevin texted Billy with their location. But when Kevin refused to leave the children alone there, Jana realized that Kevin had tricked her and pulled a gun on him. So Kevin left with Jana to keep the children from being harmed. Murphy and Kay were at the church praying for the children's safe return when they heard Lucy's cry. They found the children as police sirens were heard approaching. Chloe, Victoria and Billy arrived with the police and reclaimed their children. Once home and safe, Billy confessed to Victoria that Lucy was bought on the black market, and that Daniel and Daisy were her real parents. Billy had to get Daniel to assure Victoria that Lucy would always be theirs.

Once Phyllis found out that Lucy was her granddaughter, and remembering what it was like living her life without her child, Daniel, she decided that Lucy needed to be with her real family. Lauren and Daniel both objected, fearful that Daisy would hear about it, return, and demand her parental rights. So with Michael and Rafe's legal help, they arranged a private meeting among all parties, and Phyllis was convinced to agree to let Billy and Victoria keep Lucy, provided that she would see Lucy one weekend a month, that Lucy would know Daniel was her father, and that Phyllis would be involved in major decisions in Lucy's life. Meanwhile, Chloe sued Billy for custody of Delia, citing the fact that Billy had bought Lucy on the black market. As the private meeting was coming to a close, a CPS social worker arrived, having found out Lucy was a black market baby through Delia's custody paperwork. Although the adoption papers that Billy gave the social worker appeared legitimate, there had been no background check or social worker involved. Even though Daniel claimed to be Lucy's father and substantiated Billy and Victoria's right to his daughter, Lucy was taken from them until Daniel's claim could be verified with a DNA test. When the test came back positive, due to the ongoing pressure from the Abbotts and his mother, Daniel left to get Lucy, promising them that he would decide what to do once she was safe.

Daniel finally decided to allow Billy and Victoria to adopt Lucy, he relinquished his parental rights, and the adoption was made legal. Phyllis was livid, and wrote a Restless Style blog about Lucy and condemning Daisy, hoping to smoke her out. By doing so Phyllis had disobeyed the court's gag order, and she was fired by Billy. Daisy returned, and Phyllis hired Leslie Michaelson to arrange for Daisy to turn herself in and petition the court to get back her parental rights. Leslie pointed out that Daisy was only accused of the crimes, and that both Victoria and Billy had recently been arrested as well, that Victoria had lost custody of Reed, and Billy's ex-wife was suing for custody of Delia. So Daisy was given back her parental rights, although Phyllis was given temporary custody of Lucy. Feeling guilty, Billy moved out leaving Victoria in tears, and camped out drunk at Jimmy's bar. Reed, who was staying with Victoria, received ironic news of the birth of J.T. and Mac's baby boy, Dylan. Nick went to talk some sense into Billy, and found him living in his mobile home again, drunk and gambling on horse races. Billy said he was through with being an upstanding husband and offered to sell Restless Style back to Nick. Nick had papers drawn up and bought it back, then offered Phyllis the opportunity to work with him again, and she took the job.

Chloe and Billy's testimony about Billy's bad habits and run-ins with the law left Billy without a prayer of keeping joint custody of Delia. Then Victoria testified on Billy's behalf about what a devoted father he was. Billy went to thank her afterward, but she let him know that nothing had changed between them. Later Billy was finishing a drink at Jimmy's Bar, and was propositioned by a hooker. Billy turned her down, she begged for a ride home, so he gave her a hundred dollar bill to take a cab. But outside Jimmy's, as the hooker joined him in the street, Billy was arrested for solicitation. Chloe was awarded sole custody of Delia, and Billy was given only limited supervised visitation. Victor was later seen paying off the hooker for a job well done, as Billy went home to Victoria's loving embrace. They talked, and Victoria expressed her fear for Billy and his self destructiveness, and her regret for what had become of them. Billy got drunk, wrecked his car, and ended up in the hospital. Jack brought Billy home to a birthday party at Ashley and Tucker's, and Ashley tried to convince Victoria to attend and give him the vintage painting she had commissioned of the two of them. But Victoria declined. Ashley made Billy his favorite cake, and gifted him their father John's ring in hopes that it would be a reminder to lead a better life.

Victor forgave Victoria for the lawsuit and convinced her to return to Newman as COO and as a board member to keep her from dwelling on the loss of Reed and Lucy. Genevieve Atkinson gave marketing ideas to Victoria and Abby for Beauty of Nature, then she offered advice to Jack to counter the marketing with Jabot. Victoria told Abby they couldn't legally use her ideas though unless they hired Genevieve.

In an attempt to foil Victor and escape her mounting number of enemies in Genoa City, Diane agreed to help Adam frame Victor for Diane's murder; meanwhile she would be alive and rich in Switzerland. Victoria found out that Nikki had disappeared from rehab after discovering Diane's photo of Victor and Nikki in bed on the front of a tabloid with the headline "Once a Stripper, Always a Slut". So Victoria paid Diane a visit and threatened that the Newman family would make sure that Diane got what she deserved. After Diane received a message that the funds from Adam had been deposited in her Swiss bank account, she sent a text message to everyone who had threatened her to meet her at the footbridge in the park. The next morning, viewers saw those same people looking suspiciously like they had just killed someone. Meanwhile Diane's body floated face down in the stream in the park. Murphy went there to fish, discovered the dead body, and called the police. The autopsy results were that Diane had been hit over the head ten times with a blunt object, an impression of a Harvard ring was found on Diane's arm, and a small key was found in Diane's mouth.

Billy returned home to pack his things and found the painting of himself and Victoria in her playboy bunny outfit and its dedication to him for "bringing out the goofy" in Victoria. Victoria walked in and they talked about how much they needed each other and ended up making love. But while she was making coffee, he left, and was seen on a plane flying out of town. Victoria was devastated when she learned from Ashley that he had left her and was back in Hong Kong.

Needing Sam Gibson's veterinary services, Victor offered Sam a cabin on the Newman ranch. Sam refused, then moved into Victoria's garage apartment and began helping around the house. He brought home a dog from the animal shelter, and Victoria took an instant bond and called it Keely.

Billy's daughter, Delia, was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, and needed a bone marrow transplant to recover. Everyone in Genoa City was tested with no matches, and Victoria and Jack were intent on finding Billy to help, hoping that he could save Delia's life. Hearing that Billy had left Myanmar, a country in Southeast Asia, Jack left to find him. Meanwhile, Victor had found Billy in a jail cell in Asia, and offered Billy a deal to negotiate his freedom if he promised to never see Victoria again. Billy told Victor to go to hell. Victor got Billy to agree by telling him about Delia's condition, and that Billy might save his daughter's life if he were a match. Victor returned Billy home to his trailer and coerced Kevin to agree to pose as the donor of Billy's blood sample. Billy snuck into the hospital unrecognized, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, to see Delia. Delia told Chloe that her daddy had been there, but everyone assumed it was a dream. The blood sample proved to be a match for Delia, so Victor arranged, with Michael's help, for a doctor to harvest the bone marrow from Billy and lead everyone to believe it came from Kevin.

Meanwhile, Victoria continued to believe in Billy, and emailed him that she loved him and would forgive him if he would just come home. Billy received Victoria's emails on his laptop at his trailer, and wanted to go home to Victoria, but Victor kept him in hiding by threatening to reveal Billy's crime that had gotten him thrown into prison. Victor planted the seed in Billy's mind that Victoria was moving on with Sam. Billy went to see her, arriving just after Victoria had injured her ankle, and witnessed Sam carry her upstairs. Billy poured out the booze that Victor brought to him, and told Victor that Delia needed him, so he wanted to keep himself the best that he could be to save her life.

Billy snuck out of his trailer to see Katherine who was unconscious in the hospital after having a stroke. Cane saw him leaving and followed him home, but Billy made him swear not to tell anyone that he was in Genoa City. After Delia had chemotherapy, Victor arranged with a doctor for Billy to donate the bone marrow for her transplant, and they prepped Kevin to know how to act as if it had been him. The transplant was successful, Delia was expected to make a full recovery, and Victor arranged for Billy to be gone from their lives for good. Meanwhile circumstances kept happening which kept Victoria from signing the divorce papers that she had Michael draw up. When the time came to leave, Billy refused to go until Victor showed him a damning video. Billy led Victor to believe that he had left town, but instead he holed up in a room and convinced Cane to help him clear his name so that Billy could get his life back.

One evening, a text message was sent from Ronan's missing cell phone to all the Diane Jenkins murder suspects except Adam, telling them to meet him at a warehouse. The suspects gathered and the surveillance tape of everyone's encounter with Diane in the park began to play, revealing everyone's secrets from that fateful night. They hid the tape before Ronan arrived. Adam arrived at a pumpkin patch and surmised that Patty Williams had summoned him. Meanwhile, Genevieve's housekeeper, Myrna Murdock, who had been badly burned when Genevieve's house exploded, lay in the hospital covered in bandages except for a cat tattoo; the same tattoo as Patty Williams. Patty had apparently been posing as Myrna, had been tormenting the suspects with information she had gleaned from the stolen park surveillance tapes, and the explosion at the mansion had kept her from joining them at the warehouse.

Victoria threw the annual Halloween party at Jimmy's bar in Billy's absence and got very drunk. Meanwhile Billy showed up at the hospital dressed as Santa Claus to see Delia. Delia did not recognize him, and he enjoyed some time with her. Billy then showed up at Jimmy's Bar, in time to see his drunken wife thank everyone for coming, although she knew it was not as good without Billy, like everything in her life. Nick took her home, and after he left, Billy helped her get inside and to the couch where he kissed her. She recognized him and passed out. Billy was disappointed to find the signed divorce papers on the coffee table.

Victor shocked Adam by asking him to come back to work for Newman. Adam was suspicious, but accepted so long as he could get an equal role to Victoria, then taunted Victoria that he was back working at Newman. Victoria complained to Victor, then returned to tell Adam that she would be watching every move, and would get him fired. Afterward, Victor smiled and said that Adam "fell for it."

Victoria became convinced that Billy was in trouble and unable to contact them, so she and Jill decided to go to Myanmar and find him themselves. Inquiries and bribes at the American consulate disclosed that Billy had been imprisoned for illegal drug trafficking, but was there no longer. Then a guy at a bar told them that Billy was in hiding, to follow him to the dock in back, where he attempted to abduct them, but they were rescued by Cane. Cane told Jill and Victoria that he had followed them there, and they boarded a plane back to the U.S. together. Victoria got bumped from her connecting flight from New York City, and Cane and Jill went on ahead.

Meanwhile, Billy befriended Tank, the guy that Victor was paying to accompany Billy and make sure he stayed at a monastery in New Deli, India. They got as far as New York City, where Billy convinced Tank to let him go. Victoria and Billy found themselves both waiting in Finn McGee's airport pub. Victoria spotted him and hugged and kissed him, excited that he was alive, and asking where he had been since his release. Billy told her that he was setup in Myanmar, and admitted that it took him awhile, but that all he wanted was to come home to her and Delia. Victoria said that he never should have left, and Billy admitted that he didn't feel worthy of her or Delia. With all flights grounded, they found themselves in a hotel with adjoining rooms. Unable to stand it any longer, they each opened the doors between them, embraced, and ended up making love. Billy admitted that he had been the Santa who had kissed her, and had donated the bone marrow that had saved Delia's life; and told her about the deal he had made with the devil - Victor. Meanwhile Kevin was admitting the same to Chloe.

Flying home together, Billy anticipated seeing his daughter while Victoria was readying herself to give her father hell. Billy tried to confess to about the girl in Myanmar, but Victoria told him that it if he truly wanted to be with her, they could get past it. Fearing it would only renew Victor's vendetta against him, Billy tried to convince Victoria not to cut ties with Victor again. Billy and Victoria arrived at the Chancellor estate just in time for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone was overjoyed to see him, as Billy picked up and hugged his daughter Delia, then turned around to find Victor there as a guest. After Victor hastily excused himself, Billy told everyone that he had been setup and imprisoned in Myanmar, then had trouble getting back, leaving out what Victor had done. Later, Victoria confronted Victor who claimed that keeping Billy from her was for her own good, and that perhaps she should ask Billy what he had done in Myanmar. Victoria told Victor that she had forgiven Billy, and that their love was something Victor would never understand, the way he had never forgiven Nikki or his children for anything. Victoria resigned from Newman and told Victor she was done with them both, for good. Billy and Victoria celebrated his homecoming by hanging over the fireplace the painting which Victoria had commissioned of her and Billy in their "Heff" and playboy bunny costumes.

Victoria received the paperwork showing that their divorce had been finalized, but they promised each other they would remarry. Jack offered Billy a job at Jabot, but after Nick had just fired Phyllis, Billy and Victoria were successful in talking Nick into selling Restless Style back to Billy instead. Victoria and Nick decided to start a company of their own. But after Victor confessed to killing Diane Jenkins and was arrested, (to protect Nikki who had confessed the same to him), Nick agreed to go back to Newman Enterprises to keep Adam in line.

Nikki was drinking again and suddenly ran off to Vegas and married Deacon. Nick and Victoria concluded that Nikki had killed Diane and Victor was sacrificing himself for her. When Victoria went to try to help Nikki, Nikki drunkenly told her not to worry, that she and Victor would protect Victoria for killing Diane. Shocked, Victoria swore she had not killed Diane. Meanwhile Nick physically attacked Deacon for taking advantage of his mother at the athletic club bar. A Newman board member saw it all, sealing Adam's election. After Victor pled guilty and was sentenced to 25 years to life, Adam convened a board meeting to decide the new Newman CEO. Tucker McCall held the deciding vote, and although both men tried to persuade him to vote for them, Tucker went with the Harvard graduate, and Adam was elected.

Everyone was waiting at the church for the groom at the Christmas Eve wedding of Kevin and Chloe, with Victoria as matron of honor, Michael as best man, and Delia the flower girl. Kevin phoned Chloe and called off the wedding. Rather than waste everything, (with Chloe's permission,) Victoria and Billy decided to get married again instead, with Chloe as maid of honor. Kay sent Nikki a text message to join them, and she left Gloworm drunk. Nikki arrived, remarkably sober, just in time for the wedding and was welcomed with open arms. After the lights went out, things were looking ominous, but after the arrival of good omens, Judge Anderson and Victoria's runaway dog Keely, the ceremony was held by candlelight, and Victoria and Billy were married once again – vowing that this time would be forever. Chloe gave them her honeymoon too, which was coincidentally in Jamaica, where Victoria and Billy had been married the first time. Meeting Sebastian and Rene in Jamaica, the couple whose wedding they had crashed, they were surprised, and saddened for themselves, to see that the couple already had had a baby. Later, after Victoria got a call that the adoption agency had a mother who had chosen them to adopt her baby, they left for home.

Chelsea showed up just after they arrived home on New Year's Eve, claiming that Billy, going by the name Liam, had raped her in Myanmar. She showed them that she was pregnant and claimed that it was his. Billy told Victoria that he was picked up by Chelsea in a bar where he had gotten very drunk. He admitted that they had danced together with him dreaming of Victoria, and that they had kissed. Then Chelsea had spiked his drink, and he woke up surrounded by police with heroin planted in his bag, and had been taken to prison. Billy claimed that he and Chelsea did not have sex, and that she was just trying to con him. Chelsea wanted a DNA test as proof. Billy admitted to Victoria that he didn’t remember everything from that night, but if the baby turned out to be his, he had not raped her. Victoria said that she believed him, but realized the adoption they had come home for was not going to happen.

Chelsea began parading her belly around town to anyone who would listen, including Adam, and showing up a Jimmy's bar in front of Billy and Victoria and their friends. Billy booked her a hospital room and arranged a DNA test, which proved that Billy was the father. Chelsea admitted to Billy that she had worked in Myanmar helping the police fill their quotas, and claimed that she and Billy had had consensual sex. Luckily Billy thought to tape her confession, and played it for Victoria. Billy proposed that he fight for custody of the baby, and Victoria agreed that she would rather raise a child who was Billy's, since she didn't seem to be able to have one herself. When they saw Chelsea ordering a burger and a beer, they asked her to live in their garage apartment where they could make sure ate right to look out for the baby. Chelsea readily agreed, then made a phone call assuring someone that the rich suckers had taken the bait.

Ronan subpoenaed all the Diane Jenkins murder suspects, and he and the DA questioned them about the evidence that still did not add up after it was discovered that Nikki had killed Diane in self defense. When no one would confess to taking Deacon's stash of stolen evidence or having any knowledge of the embroidered pillows found in Diane's room, the DA arrested them all for obstruction of justice. But they were all released later that day. Patty Williams was later discovered to have been the missing link in the Diane Jenkins murder, all charges were dropped against all suspects, including Nikki, once Ronan was able to convince the DA that Nikki was not responsible. Deacon remained in jail. Patty was sent to a maximum security prison hospital.

Chelsea began spending more time in the house with Victoria than in her apartment, and was continually upsetting Victoria about her family's brushes with the law, her inability to conceive, and the fact that neither of them had custody of their own children. But through it all, Chelsea appeared to realize that she wasn’t going to break the bond between Billy and Victoria. So one day, after they witnessed her ultra-sound, and were told that she was having a boy, Chelsea broke down and told them she wanted them to raise her baby after he was born. Minutes later, Chelsea's mother, Anita, arrived at the door and began working her con, claiming that she and her husband were missionaries. Although Victoria and Billy saw through the con, they suggested Anita move in with Chelsea to watch them both. Once in the apartment, Anita told Chelsea that she was taking over the con, and that this baby was going to make them rich.

Anita went to see Victor, but he had her thrown off the property and banned, reminding her that he had given her a phone for communication with him. Anita told Chelsea that they would be getting no more money out of Victor. But since Billy had paid two million dollars for Lucy who wasn't even his, so she knew they could get even more out of Billy.

Paul and Billy confronted Anita and Chelsea with Paul's discovery that Anita was a grifter who had been involved in scams since she was a kid. Her first arrest in 1978 was for writing bad checks, with others since for mail, wire and credit card fraud, conspiracy, forgery, impersonating a police officer, and felony theft. Anita had also used the aliases of Anita Barrett, Amelia Larson, and dozens of others. Paul found that Chelsea had been scamming people since the age of ten, but had less of a criminal record.

Chelsea later told Victoria that they had met Victor when he had shown up in Myanmar and freed Billy. Then Chelsea had contacted Victor when she found herself pregnant, and he had brought them both to town, giving them a lot of money and promising Chelsea that she could have Billy if she was successful in breaking up his marriage to Victoria.

Billy put Chelsea on the spot by asking Anita to leave, making her choose between staying with them and leaving with Anita. Chelsea, who obviously did not get along with Anita, sided with Billy, and Anita packed her bags and left. Anita later showed up at Gloworm and got a waitress job. Michael drew up settlement and termination of parental rights papers and reminded Billy that prenatal custody agreements were not ironclad. Chelsea signed the papers after Billy and Victoria assured her that she would remain known to their child. They assured her that they were giving her financial assistance so their son could be proud of his mother.

After Genevieve was the high bidder for Beauty of Nature, Victor offered her to become his right hand and teach her everything she needed to know to run it if she would sell it back, but she turned him down. Instead she convinced Victoria who had been an integral part in the success of the company to become her CEO. Billy approved and told Jack, who said that it had been a good move on Genevieve's part, and was looking forward to Victor's reaction. But although Victoria tried to break it to Victor, he already knew and accused her of just trying to get back at him. Both Jabot and Beauty of Nature became focused on getting an exclusive deal with Mitsukoshi, the largest department store chain in Japan, so Jill traveled to Japan. Beauty of Nature would be severely hampered by Victoria's prior bribery scandal which had barred Newman from Japan, but Victoria felt that her prior relationship with the owner would still be in their favor. Genevieve instead went to Victor for advice on handling Mitsukoshi and Jabot, but he refused. Discovering that Victor needed support for a Newman board vote, Genevieve made a deal to influence board member Davis Holloway, who worked for her holding company, FNM, in exchange for the information she sought. Victoria later warned her not to trust anything Victor told her. Genevieve then flew to Japan where she was later met by Victor, and narrowly escaped being setup and arrested by him. Meanwhile Genevieve had sent Victoria to Los Angeles on business, where she was able to meet up with Billy who had been there in talks on making Restless Style into a television show. Nikki was house-sitting for Victoria, keeping an eye on Chelsea. Victoria returned alone, with Billy still in L.A., making the pilot for the show.

Adam became concerned and went looking for her. Knowing her favorite spot to get away, Adam went to Lake Concord and found that Chelsea had fallen through the ice. Risking his own life, Adam managed to pull her out of the lake and took her to a nearby lake cottage when she started to go into labor. Adam did his best to get Chelsea warm, delivered her baby boy, and left them to go for help since his cell phone was getting no reception. Meanwhile Billy arrived home, and he and Abby went looking for Chelsea. Victoria had gone to Victor for help, and he allowed her to use his helicopter. They located the cabin, and Victoria found Chelsea delirious and alone with the baby. Billy and Abby arrived as Adam returned. But Adam never showed himself or took credit for saving their lives, just walked away alone knowing that Chelsea was in good hands. Chelsea and the baby were fine, and she signed over her parental rights to Billy. Adam asked Chelsea not to tell anyone what he had done, but when Victoria began badmouthing Adam again, Chelsea disclosed that Adam had been the hero who saved her and her baby's life. Billy and Victoria began to see Adam had indeed changed, and thanked him. Feeling guilty, Adam disclosed to Victoria that her father had actually paid Chelsea to setup Billy in Myanmar. After much consideration, Victoria thought to name the baby John after his grandfather, and she began calling him Johnny.

Jack and Nikki were invited to a family party at Victoria and Billy's to welcome Johnny home. Victor and Genevieve crashed the party and announced their Beauty of Nature deal and that they were now a couple. Nikki put her hand on Jack's shoulder and let him know that she had moved on as well. Genevieve excused herself, leaving Victoria to confront Victor about his setting up Billy in Myanmar. Victoria accused Victor that if not for Delia's illness, Billy may have died in prison there, then told him to leave and never return. Later Victoria admitted to Billy that if not for Victor's machinations, they actually may never have gotten Johnny, and Billy agreed that it had all been worthwhile. Reed arrived to meet his new baby brother Johnny. Nikki moved her things out of the ranch and into Victoria's. Chelsea stuck to her word, and with Adam's emotional support, allowed her parental rights to be terminated, and Victoria to adopt her baby.

Concerned about Chelsea's mounting bills, Victoria and Billy went to see her. Chelsea let them off the hook, telling them that she was staying in town to be with Adam, but that she would find a job and pay her own bills, and wouldn't meddle in her their lives. Adam asked Chelsea to share his room, and she moved in.

Victoria publicly shared her disgust to Victor and Sharon about their being together romantically, taunting Sharon that she was only Victor's "flavor of the week". In retaliation, Sharon privately told Victoria that she had slept with Billy the night before his marriage to Chloe. Victoria confronted Billy who convinced her that it was all part of his lurid past, and reminded her that he had changed. So Victoria called Victor and told him about his new girlfriend's indiscretion, and Victor asked Sharon to leave his home without explanation. But they later reconciled. Happy together again, Billy had to leave for Los Angeles to work on the movie, but he surprised Victoria when he returned on the 4th of July.

Victor and Sharon eloped on the same day that Nikki and Jack were married, but Victor disappeared later that day, and Nikki left Jack to find Victor. With Tucker's help behind the scenes, Sharon arrived at the emergency Newman Board meeting, and citing a pertinent court decision, used Victor's proxy rights to take over the company as CEO. Nick and Victoria were livid, but they attended the press conference with stoic faces as Sharon announced that she was now in charge. Sharon called off the search for Victor being conducted by Newman security, and Tucker hired Genevieve to find Victor. Meanwhile Tucker made more plans to take over Newman in Victor's absence, buying up stock at falling prices and continuing to set Sharon up to fail by suggesting she fire Nick.

After a favorable interview became a hatchet job in the press, Sharon accused Nick, who called her a brat and she fired him. An emergency board meeting was held, and they voted to ask Sharon to step down, but Tucker exposed himself as her puppet master by suggesting that the board support the new CEO with their experience.

Sharon began stealing items from stores and people and put them in a marble-top box. She stole concert tickets from Summer's purse to add to her stash. Victoria found them, and she and Nick took Sharon to court to try to convince the judge to remove Sharon as CEO because of her mental instability. The judge made Victoria interim CEO, and gave Sharon 24 hours to go to Fairview and get clean bill of mental health to get her CEO position back. Meanwhile Victoria rehired Nick, and the board approved an agreement that she and Nick could not be fired without board approval.

Meanwhile, Billy found Victor in L.A. Victor obviously had lost his memory and didn't know him as they enjoyed a game of darts together. Genevieve, working for Tucker, had also just found Victor. Billy hired Genevieve to keep an eye on Victor, and returned to Genoa City without telling Victoria that he had found her father. Victoria rehired Nick, and the board approved an agreement that she and Nick could not be fired without board approval. Newman stock began to climb, until Sharon was reinstated.

Billy returned to L.A. to bring Victor home, but returned to Genoa City and delivered the news that Victor had died in an explosion. As news of Victor's death spread, Newman stock plummeted, family members began to grieve, and Billy lied to Victoria that he hadn't found Victor until it was too late. Sharon identified the burned body as Victor, although it wasn't him, convinced that Victor had set up his death. The family was livid to discover that Sharon had sent it to be cremated immediately. Sharon arranged a quickie memorial service and texted his friends and family members to be there. Victor returned to find Nikki weeping at his grave, and they reunited. Victor's friends and family were thrilled to see him, and he held a press conference to assure the world that he was alive and back as CEO and chairman of the board of Newman. Victor went to Victoria and thanked her for caring enough to take over Newman in his absence, and asked her to stay, on her own terms. Victor told Billy that because of everything he had done to save him, he would never disclose Billy's part in keeping his whereabouts a secret. And so long as Billy kept Victoria happy, he would no longer interfere.

Thanks to Sharon selling some of Victor's stock while he was gone, Jack and Tucker maneuvered a hostile takeover of Newman and fired Victor, Nick, and Victoria. Jack offered Billy a job working with him at Newman, but Billy suggested giving him Jabot instead. Billy admitted that Restless Style was not doing well, RSTV was tanking, and he was trying to sell them. Victoria encouraged Billy to agree to work with Jack at Newman, and to work with her to get Newman back, so Billy accepted Jack's offer and became Victoria's spy. Victoria confided only in Victor and Nikki that Billy was on their side. But Jack discovered Billy's duplicity and fired him.

Victoria, in Miami on business, was grabbed from behind as she left her hotel room, kidnapped, and locked in a dark room. Her captor turned out to be "Eddie G", a loan shark just released from prison who was convicted because Billy had ratted him out. Eddie demanded 2 million dollars from Billy, to tell no one, or she would die. Not having the money, Billy went to Nikki for help, but when she could not come up with enough, she told Victor who sent got an investigator to find Eddie and jetted to Miami. Meanwhile Victoria was bargaining with Eddie that she could pay him off herself if he would let her go.

Nick and Victor got the money, and planned to go with Billy to Miami, but Billy protested that they would get Victoria killed. So Billy and Nick left alone. Meanwhile, Victoria talked Eddie into letting her out of the dark room and into his place. They talked about his son Tommy and how his wife had disappeared with the boy while Eddie was in prison. Victoria offered to help him track them down, and Eddie appeared to be coming around until a gunshot sailed through the window, killing Eddie. Victoria, handcuffed to sofa, managed to reach Eddie's cell phone when Billy called, and she told him she did not know where she was. Suddenly the lights went out, and Max walked in. Max explained that he was the owner of the casino in Puerto Rico where Billy owed the money, and that Max had bugged the place and shot Eddie when he heard Victoria make him a better offer. Max took Victoria away, and returned to check on Eddie, when he was attacked by Billy and Nick after they had tracked the GPS on the phone.

Nick and Billy brought Victoria home where Victor and Nikki were waiting. After trying to throw Billy out of his own house, Victor delivered an ultimatum to Billy that he would tell Victoria that Billy had known where Victor was in Los Angeles and had chosen not to tell her, if Billy did not leave Victoria. After Victoria asked everyone to leave, she ended up in the dark wrapped up in a blanket on the living room floor. Billy came home, and Victoria reacted violently when he woke her up. Later when Billy refused to leave unless Victoria threw him out, Victor told Victoria that Billy had known that he was in L.A. Victoria shot back that Victor didn't bother to tell anyone the truth when he returned, so he had obviously been threatening Billy with the secret. Victoria continued to have nightmares, and after refusing to seek therapy, Billy tried to talk her through her fears, being able to relate with his captivity in Myanmar. Billy failed to woo Victoria with a Jamaican setup in their living room, then bought tickets to go there, which Victoria refused. But after a disagreement with Victor who still expected her to fight for Newman, she agreed to go to Jamaica with Billy for Christmas to escape all the family pressure. But after Victor tried to make peace again by promising that he would try to accept Billy and inviting them both to his and Nikki's remarriage on Valentine's Day, Victoria decided she wanted to stay home and have a family Christmas.

As Jack went off to rehab for addiction to pain killers, Billy promised him he would help Adam run Newman in his absence. Meanwhile Victor persuaded Victoria that the time was right to help him take back Newman. When they realized they were on opposite sides once again, Billy told Victoria he would do his best to keep Jabot from being merged with Newman, and she promised to do her best to keep Victor from getting Jabot too. But it wasn't long before Jack stepped down from Jabot and Adam had the board remove Billy, and make Adam sole CEO. But Jack hired Billy on at Jabot to work with him and Kyle. A few months later, Abby returned to Genoa City and convinced Jack that she had finally grown up and to work for him at Jabot.

Victor and Nikki were married, they claimed for the final time, at their new house on Newman ranch. Victoria was matron of honor, Nick best man, Faith flower girl, and Reed ring bearer. Later, Adam crashed the reception, toasted the bride and groom and Victor's rise to greatness, then alluded to something Victor did New Year's eve, before Billy ushered him out.

Meanwhile, a man named Bob who was hired to pose as a waiter, set a timer on an explosive device, and attempted to leave. Nick recognized and stopped him, he pulled a gun, and Billy jumped him. Victor walked into the room, Bob pointed the gun at Victor, Adam jumped between them, and Adam took the bullet for his father. Alex and Nick subdued Bob, and an ambulance was called. Everyone was ushered out of the house when gas was smelled. Meanwhile Billy went to investigate. Billy shut off the gas, then discovered the explosive with its timer nearly run out. Holding his breath, Billy guessed and cut the red wire, and became the second hero of the day. Adam survived but went into a coma following surgery. Later at home, Victoria hugged Billy and decided that life was too short, and that she and Billy needed to try in vetro fertilization to have a baby of their own. Victoria began the necessary hormone treatments.

After Adam awoke from his coma, he and Victor made up and agreed to run Newman together. Victor announced their reunion to the family, asking Nick, Victoria, and Abby to return to the family business, but they declined. Nikki agreed to give Adam another chance, and he was invited to a family birthday dinner which was held for Nikki at On the Boulevard. Victoria surprised everyone by announcing that she was returning to work at Newman. She and Billy fought about it after they got home. The next day Victor discussed it with her, and Victoria admitted that she was resentful of his faith in Adam whom she was sure would only screw him over again. Victor felt insulted that she didn’t think he knew what he was doing, and told her that maybe she should just stay home and make a baby as planned. But Victoria showed up at Newman for work the next day, promising her father that she would not try to undermine Adam, and that she would be a great mother, wife, and executive.

Adam convinced Victor that they had to buy out the Newman shareholders, and return it to a family owned company again. Victor suggested to this other children that they use their Newman settlement money to help him do it. But Victoria was more interested in pooling their money to buy the stock, and kick Adam out. When Nick and Abby refused both Victor and Victoria's ideas, Adam found the money to buy out the public investors. Jealous over Adam's place at her father's side, Victoria hired a detective to investigate Adam, but Adam realized it, and paid him to give Victoria false information. Victor offered Victoria the head of the Beauty of Nature Division to make her happy, but she refused. As Adam was blackmailing Billy with the knowledge of his renewed gambling to get Victoria to get off his back, Victoria was hiring another detective to find out where Adam got the money to buy out the Newman stockholders. Billy was able to convince her that she was becoming obsessive about Adam again, and she agreed to back off. But when she commented that maybe she could give her father something Adam couldn't with a Newman heir, Billy became upset and told her to forget using him and trying to make a baby. Since Adam and Victoria just could not get along, and she realized Billy was right, that she had become obsessed, Victoria again quit Newman. She and Billy attended the family gathering at Adam's to celebrate the return of Newman to the Newman family, but warned her father that she still felt that Adam was up to something. As they left, Adam was seen by viewers on the phone telling someone that everything was going as planned.

Nikki suggested that Victoria return to her artistic roots and consider writing and illustrating children's books. Victoria spoke to Traci Connelly about any connections she might have in the literary world.

After witnessing Billy's elusive behavior, Victoria accused him of fooling around on her until he had to admit that he was hooked on gambling again. But Victoria adamantly refused to believe him, and Billy realized that she was in denial of the truth. Billy admitted what was going on to his mother, Jill, who was more understanding, telling her that he was actually ahead and not in debt for the moment. Jill warned him that he would lose his family and everything he had if he did not stop. Billy was trying, turning down offers for high stakes games.

When Victoria finally believed him, she said they were through and made Billy leave. Victoria then realized that she might be pregnant and took a pregnancy test. Billy came home and found the package, greeting Victoria with joy that she was pregnant. But Victoria said she was not, and glad of it. Victoria took Johnny and left for Washington, D.C. to spend some time with Reed. After her return, Victoria walked in and caught Billy accepting his gambling winnings at the club, and Victor was seen by viewers on the phone getting the news that his setting up Billy had worked. But Billy and Victoria managed yet another reconciliation, and Victoria began to work for Victor, in charge of the merger of Newman and Chancellor Industries.

Delia was cast as the wicked witch of the west in the school play of The Wizard of Oz. Billy and Chloe enjoyed helping Delia rehearse her lines, and she was a natural little 'ham'. Billy even surprised them both with a dog in the likeness of "Toto" to enhance her part. Due to its love to escape, the dog was named Dash, and went home to live with Billy and Victoria. The night of the play came, and Delia was a hit, getting a standing ovation from the crowd. Afterward, Chloe and Kevin began their reconciliation by catching a late movie of their favorite "Pretty In Pink", and Victoria waited at home with a party for the arrival of Billy, Delia, and Dash. Billy stopped to pick up ice cream, leaving Delia and Dash in the car. But when Delia let Dash out of the car to relieve himself, he ran across the road. Delia ran after him, and was stuck by a car. The driver, who was Adam Newman, had seen the dog and swerved, then stopped; but relieved to see the dog was fine, he drove on. Billy found the car door open and discovered Delia beside the road. Although she had not spoken or moved, Delia was still alive when ambulance arrived, but she died from massive injuries later at the hospital. Once Chloe found out that her best friend Chelsea's baby, Connor, needed a cornea transplant, she agreed to donate Delia's. The transplant was successful and Connor was able to see thanks to Delia.

Billy was inconsolable and blaming himself, Victoria was there for Billy. The day of the funeral, Victoria stepped aside as Chloe and Billy united to honor their daughter. Days later, Delia's dog "Dash" showed up at home. Billy hugged him, but could not bear the reminder, so Victoria found Dash a new home. Billy had a hard time understanding why the police were unable to find the hit and run driver, bought a gun and began posting a message on a website looking for vengeance – a message board that Adam was monitoring. Dylan McAvoy befriended him, and eventually Billy realized that he needed help, so he and Victoria began attending grief counseling. But after the first session, Billy asked to attend them alone. Victoria confided in Nikki that if Billy continued to shut her out, their marriage might not survive.

Nikki set up a family dinner at the Genoa City Athletic Club, and they all were intrigued about the purpose. Nikki was setting up a revelation by telling how Katherine had been involved, when Dylan and Avery arrived for a romantic dinner. Nick overreacted by accusing Dylan of following him around and throwing his relationship with Avery in his face. They got in a fist fight, and the other Newmans crowded around in an attempt to break them up. Nikki finally was able to do so by shocking them all by shouting that Dylan was her son. Dylan told her that could not be, that Terry and Penny McAvoy were his parents. Nikki explained that Penny had adopted him as a baby in an attempt to hang onto his father who had never found out. Dylan refused to believe it, and left with Avery. Victor reacted by fearing for her mental health, then as he became convinced, he accused her of not trusting him. Victoria was very understanding, but Nick left in a snit with his father. Victoria went home and shared a beer with Billy as she told him what had happened.

Victoria resented Billy's meetings with Kelly until she realized how much Kelly was helping Billy to cope. When Johnny broke out in a rash at Crimson Lights, Dr. Ben “Stitch” Rayburn stepped in, diagnosed his sweater as the cause, and gave him some medication which helped immediately. Remembering how they had met at Nikki's Veterans affair, she shared how helpless she felt to reach Billy. But after talking to Jack and Nick who cautioned him about getting involved with Kelly to overcome his grief and the possibility of losing Victoria and Johnny, Billy came home with a Charlie Brown Christmas tree and told Victoria how important she was to him. They made plans to spend Christmas together at home, then fly to D.C. to see Reed. But while Victoria waited for her plane, Billy never showed up at the airport. After their flights were grounded by weather, Billy arrived home to find Victoria, and guiltily promised to change and never let her down again. The next day he gave her roses, and Victoria was so delighted, she invited Kelly to dinner when she ran into her later. Then Stitch was invited to stay when he dropped off her lost cell phone. The get-together became very uncomfortable for everyone but Victoria. When Victoria brought down Johnny, Kelly got emotional and left, and Stitch left soon afterward, leaving Victoria and Billy to have dinner alone.

One wintry night after Billy had been acting strangely and had not come home, Victoria worried to Nick. Nick discovered that Billy's gun was missing, and when he went to the police station was told that there was proof that Adam had been the hit and run driver who killed Delia. Putting together the things that Billy had said, they realized that Billy knew and had gone after Adam. Chloe paid Victoria an unsettling visit hoping that Victoria would know where Billy took Adam, so she could witness Billy killing him. Victoria told her that the last thing she wanted was for Billy to throw his life away by killing Adam. Nick arrived, and told them how they had found Adam's SUV upside-down in a ravine, that one man had escaped and disappeared, but the SUV had exploded after they had failed to get the second man out. Chloe left, hoping that Adam had burned to death as he deserved. Victoria was left alone to hope that Billy was the survivor and be found. Hours later there came a noise at the door, she found Billy in a heap at the front door, and was relieved to pull him inside. Billy mumbled something about Adam, went into shock, and passed out. Chief of police, Paul, was there when he came to, asking what had happened. Billy explained that Adam had been the hit and run driver who ran over Delia, how he had coerced him into going to the accident site and her school, and how Adam had run off the road and the SUV crashed. Billy had crawled out and made it to the road where he was picked up by a trucker who dropped him off at his house. Victoria took Billy to the hospital where they kept him over night to keep an eye on him. The next day Billy and Victoria reconnected, and Jack, Jill and Kelly visited him. The police brought by a gun found at the scene which Billy ID'd as probably his, and explained the one round fired recently as it must have gone off in the crash. Victoria asked about the gun, and Billy admitted that he had had it since Myanmar.

Days later Nick and Victoria overheard Jack and Victor arguing, and realized that their father had known that Adam was the hit and run driver, and had been blackmailing Adam. Victoria once again washed her hands of Victor, and Nick walked out.

Billy and Victoria attended the Delia Project Valentine's Day benefit. When Lily unveiled the antique snow queen doll which was to be auctioned, the case was empty. But Lily spotted a stranger, Richard Womack, heading for the door with it under his coat. When she grabbed for the doll, it broke, and diamonds showered onto the floor. Womack pulled a gun, and held everyone hostage. Devon triggered a silent alarm, and Paul and the police arrived outside the locked ballroom. Womack fired at the chandelier, which fell on Billy, injuring him. Then when Billy tried to jump Womack, he kicked Billy, breaking some ribs. Victoria cradled Billy while Kelly tried to administer first aid. Billy began babbling, and apologized and confessed to sleeping with Kelly. Victoria told Kelly to get her hands off her husband, slapped Kelly, and called her a tramp.

Paul shut off the ballroom lights and bargained with Womack to let Billy and Victoria go, and the lights would be turned on. Afterward, when Jack's plane was ready to help Womack escape, Womack let everyone go but Cane and Lily. Colin jumped out from where he had been hiding, his gun on Womack. Lily and Cane escaped, and Womack was killed as he and Colin struggled over the gun.

Later at the hospital, Billy did not remember his admission until Jack filled him in, and he left Billy and Victoria alone to talk it out. Victoria asked if the dirty deed had taken away Billy's pain, and Billy had to admit that it had only made him feel worse. Ben was concerned about Victoria, and while consoling her they ended up in a kiss. Victoria admitted it to Billy, and they fought, then made love. Billy angrily warned Ben to stay away from his wife. But when Victoria found out that Billy had gone to console Kelly, she accused him of putting Kelly first and kicked him out. Later she consulted Avery about a divorce. Telling Billy that she was considering divorce and needed some time apart to think, Victoria went to Washington D.C. with Johnny to see Reed. When she returned, bringing Reed back with her, Victoria presented Billy with separation papers, which he reluctantly signed. Afterward Ben and Victoria ran into each other at The Underground, and they got drunk as he told her his divorce was final and that Jenna was leaving the country with their son. The two were seen leaving together to take a cab home. But while waiting, they ended up making love in her car. Victoria said she was not sorry it happened, and Ben admitted he had been wondering what it would be like ever since their first kiss. Billy found out that Stitch and Victoria had been seen drunk and stumbling out of bar together, and accused her of sleeping with Stitch, and she admitted it. Victoria told him that she still loved Billy and wanted to ask him back, but he had betrayed her too many times, so she was filing for divorce. Billy picked up the rest of his things and left, saying he hoped that he would still be invited to Johnny's upcoming birthday party.

Victor threw an engagement party for Abby and Tyler at Newman Ranch, and all the Newmans and Abbotts were in attendance and remarkably friendly. Billy and Victoria were overcome by all the talk of love and toasting the happy couple, left the house, and kissed outside. But Victoria let Billy know that it meant nothing, much as she loved him, she was moving on and about to go on a date with Stitch. But Ben felt obligated to stay nearby a patient who was in crisis, so Victoria brought him takeout at the hospital. Ashley arrived looking for Ben, and realized that Victoria was his date. Ashley reminded her that she'd only been separated from her brother for a week. When Ben arrived, Victoria was jealously catty, informing Ben that Ashley was her former stepmother. Later after dinner, Stitch admitted that he was jealous of Victoria's unresolved feelings for Billy, and Victoria admitted that she had been jealous of Ashley, so maybe they were more involved than they thought.

Victoria began to get pregnancy symptoms, took a test, and confirmed it with her new OB/GYN, Dr. Chiverton. When congratulated on her miracle, Victoria admitted that she was not sure who the father was. Ben went to see Victoria after looking at her file, and she broke down, admitting she was pregnant, a miracle they told her would never happen, but unsure who she even wanted to be the father.

After discovering that Victoria was pregnant, Billy went home elated. But Victoria had to break it to him that the baby might belong to Stitch, and that they had to wait until she was 14 weeks along to do a DNA test. Billy became upset and unsure if he could accept another man's child, but Victoria reminded him how she had accepted Johnny, the child he had with Chelsea.

Ben informed Victoria that Billy was on the way to see Jenna in Australia, and was about to tell her the truth about his past when they were interrupted. But when he and Victoria had time to talk, Ben just told her that he was in love with her. On Billy's return, Victoria told him that spying on Ben was the last straw, and she was filing for divorce. Ben showed up afterward, and she and Ben ended up making love. But after Billy told Victoria that Ben and Kelly were actually brother and sister, Victoria found and confronted them, accusing Ben of being a liar just like Billy. Later Victoria walked in on Billy and Chelsea discussing that they had just made love, and Victoria lit into Billy that as always, he finds a warm bed with a willing woman when he has a problem.

Billy confronted Ben in front of Victoria, Jack and Kelly, and got Ben to admit that he was living under his dead friend's identity and had killed his own father. Ben explained that his father had been a mean and abusive drunk, that Ben had found him drinking in the shed, they argued and fought, his father had passed out, a kerosene stove had been knocked over that went up in flames, and it had been an accident. Ben said that he had confessed to knocking his dad out and setting the fire to save his family shame, and served his sentence in juvenile detention. Victoria walked out, fed up with them all. Ben later begged Victoria to let him explain further, but she rebuffed him. Deciding she did not want either potential father, Victoria canceled the paternity test. Taking Abby with her for her first ultrasound, Victoria asked her to be her birthing coach in the delivery room as well. But hard as she fought it, Victoria began to fall for Billy's charm again. Billy was crushed when the divorce papers arrived for him to sign, but after failing to dissuade Victoria, he reluctantly signed them.

After their divorce was final, Victoria was disappointed to see Billy move on with Chelsea, openly kissing and dating. She took it out on Ben, asking why he had to lie to her and break her heart. Ben tried to explain, that there was more to the story which he wanted her to know, but they were interrupted by Ben's mother, who had recently come to town.

Billy and Victoria attended the ceremony held by the school for the one year anniversary of Delia's death. Victoria was so overwhelmed, she went to Kelly and Ben, telling them she wanted to stop being angry and let it go. Victoria promised Ben no more mixed signals, saying that she cared about him and wanted to forgive him. They kissed. Billy later told Victoria that he was in love with Chelsea and he had moved in with her. Victoria made peace with Billy, and both decided to have their ring tattoos removed.

Victoria found Maureen and told her that she had figured it out – that Maureen had killed her husband, and Ben had taken the fall for her. Maureen got agitated, and tried to explain that her husband Richard had been laid off, and when he couldn’t find work, he decided that Maureen, their children, and the house were too many responsibilities. He got mean, started drinking and hitting her frequently. When he began hitting Ben, she had sent Kelly away to school to spare her. Richard threatened that if Maureen called social services, he would kill them both. Ben had taken the beatings without a word, thinking he was saving his mother from abuse. But one night Richard was drunk in his workshop, and Maureen told him his dinner was ready. Saying it was too early to eat, Richard hit her. Ben interceded, giving Maureen time to call the police. Richard punched Ben then passed out, and Ben ran out into the woods. Finding Richard on the floor among a litter of paint cans and rags, Maureen set them on fire. Ben chose to confess to the murder and do a few years as a minor so his mother would not go to prison for life. Victoria was livid, screaming, "How could you do that to your son? You ruined his life!" Maureen followed Victoria to the Jabot parking garage, begging her not to tell. Then Maureen pushed pregnant Victoria into a janitor closet, and locked her in. As Maureen threw Victoria's dropped purse into the trash, she fell to the concrete floor with chest pains. Maureen was able to call Ben who arrived and went with his mother in the ambulance. At the hospital Maureen was diagnosed with a heart attack, and a bypass was scheduled. Meanwhile, Victoria went into labor in the janitor closet. Five hours later, Victoria was still in labor awaiting people to arrive for work, alternately fantasizing about the future with each of the potential fathers and yelling and banging on the door.

After hearing her phone ringing in the trash can, Billy and Ben eventually found Victoria. They ended up delivering her baby girl in the parking garage. Later at the hospital, Victoria got Ben alone and told him how his mother had locked her in. Ben visited Maureen and told her how upset he was with her. Victor dropped by later and threatened Maureen. When Ben went back to see her again, Maureen had disappeared, and an arrest warrant was issued for her abduction of Victoria. Victoria named her daughter Katherine (in honor of Katherine Chancellor) Rose (after Delia's favorite flower) Newman, to be called "Katie". Billy was ecstatic when the paternity test results named him as the father, but Ben was devastated. Victoria forgave Ben and asked to renew their relationship, but demanded honesty from him. They began spending more time together, Billy apologized to Ben for exposing his past, and Billy and Victoria decided that Katie's last name would be Abbott-Newman. Feeling threatened, Chelsea designed and made a christening gown for Katie. For Christmas Ben gave Victoria a 3-sided locket for her 3 children, and Victoria arranged for Ben to get a call from his son Max after she explained to Jenna that Ben had not murdered his father. Victoria and Ben spent New Year's Eve making love on Victoria's couch.

Realizing that Newman-Chancellor was in financial trouble ever since the Bonaventure scandal, and Jabot was about to bring out a revolutionary new fragrance, Victoria proposed to Victor that they bring back Brash and Sassy with a new fragrance of their own.

Katie was christened with Jack as her godfather and Abby her godmother. Victor had been forbidden to attend after Victoria discovered that he had rigged a government seizure of Jabot's fragrance from their lab. Victor showed up anyway, but Jack said he had gotten word that the samples had been returned and no charges were being file against Jabot, so he was allowed to stay.

Victoria proposed that Ben come live with her. Ben questioned her motives, but after she said that she loved him, he moved in. A month or so later, Billy and Chelsea became engaged.

Victor had tasked Victoria with researching Jabot's stability, but she reported that it was the best it has ever been, and its Achilles' heel did not exist.

After Abby was attacked in the park, Victoria asked Ben to become Abby's body guard. Ben moved into the room next door to Abby at the Genoa City Athletic Club. But after Victoria walked in on Ben and Abby too many times in each other's arms, Victoria decided that she and Ben were not meant to be, and they broke up.

Jack and Victor decided to put their animosity in the past, and merged Jabot and Newman to create Newman-Abbott Enterprises. Victoria was made C.O.O., and she took over Ashley's office, relegating her to the lab, and reporting to Victoria. Both Abby and Ben ended up reporting to Victoria too, and Victoria began treating them less than fair when it became obvious that they had become lovers.

Chelsea accepted Victor's offer to continue her fashion line at Newman-Abbott with full creative control, with his guarantee of no interference from Victoria. Victoria was upset with the arrangement and accused Chelsea of cheating on Billy. Chelsea retorted that seeing Victoria and Billy kissing had been what sent her to Gabriel. Chelsea spat that she would not give Victoria the satisfaction of quitting again, but would make her life a living hell.

Victoria questioned Victor, inferring that he was coercing Jack into the merger. Not long afterward, Victor announced that Gabriel Bingham was now Co-C.O.O. with her. When Victoria viciously canceled Chelsea's new children's line, Gabriel interceded, telling Victoria not to talk to Chelsea like that again, and to consult with him before making this type of decision. Chelsea went to Jack about reinstating the children's line, and he gave her the go ahead.

Convinced that Jack and his family were plotting to take back their company, Victor tasked Victoria with getting close to Billy again so Victor could find out what was going on. Billy was disappointed to find out that Victoria had lied and given Victor an alibi for the night that Jack Abbott was shot, and Victoria that Billy had been a part of the framing of Victor for embezzlement.

After his arrest, Victor made Gabriel C.E.O. Gabriel made Abby C.O.O., promising Victoria a new position. But Gabriel allowed Billy to stay on as head of R&D, telling him to step it up. Neil quit his C.F.O. position, but Nick returned and took his place. Billy and Victoria vowed to work together to stop Gabriel. Nick and Victoria began staging friction between them to throw Gabriel off. But when Gabriel heard that Jack was out of his coma, he stepped down as CEO of Newman-Abbott, but Victor surprised everyone when he asked Gabriel to stay on with the company. With Abby as C.O.O. Victoria found herself competing daily with her, and working more and more with Billy. Of course they were drawn back together, and Billy spent the night. When they showed up in Victor's office late, Victor guessed they were involved again and threatened "Billy Boy". Victor teamed competitors Abby and Victoria and sent them to speak before a technical conference. Their presentation was a big success. Jack and Victor drew up an agreement to dissolve the merger of Newman and Jabot.

Victoria and Billy, still getting closer even though they were adversaries in business, celebrated what would have been their fifth wedding anniversary by making love again.

Billy was shocked when Chelsea admitted that Gabriel Bingham was Adam after plastic surgery and still alive. Billy tracked down Adam and confronted him. They argued about Delia's death and the car crash when Billy had shot Adam, but Victor showed up and took over. Billy was ready to kill Adam, until Victoria reasoned with him, and asked him to come back home.

Victoria was proud of Billy when he testified at Adam's trial that he shared responsibility for his daughter's death, and asked for leniency for Adam. Adam was found guilty and sentenced to ten years in prison. But as he was being escorted from the jail, he was intentionally run down by a white sedan, and rushed into emergency surgery which he survived.

The annual Delia Halloween costume party benefit was held at Top of the Tower, and everyone attended, Billy dressed as a man out of a Dickens, and Victoria in an Indian sari. A fire broke out on the floors just below them, cutting them off from the floor where their children were having their own party. Victor and Billy went down after Jack and the children but found Adam. They helped Adam get to the roof where Victor encouraged Adam to take the helicopter and run away. Billy objected, but Adam refused anyway. Receiving word that their children were safe below, Billy and Victoria boarded the helicopter, and they were reunited at the hospital. But their reunion was short-lived. When Victoria found out that Billy and Phyllis had taken control of the Paragon virus and used it to attack Newman further, Victoria told Billy they were through and it was time Billy quit using Delia's death to excuse everything he did. Billy got fired from Jabot, started gambling and drinking again, and ended up with a DUI. Billy continued to get drunk and gamble until Jill had a heart to heart with him. Billy became determined to change and win Victoria back. He was alone at the bar pondering a drink until he was joined by Traci who convinced him he needed to be with Victoria on Christmas eve. Billy went to the house with an armload of presents, and was caught by Victoria who refused to be sucked in again by Billy's charm and promises.

On New Years eve, Victoria was the matron of honor for Abby as she married Ben at Top of the Tower. Billy didn't show up at the party, but was later found down in the parking garage after being beaten up by his bookie and run over. Victoria and Jill hovered over a comatose Billy who had injuries to his cervical spine and direct trauma to his skull. His doctors wanted to perform surgery to relieve the pressure on his brain. Ashley suggested Dr. Neville try his coma method on Billy. Abby's new husband Dr. Ben concurred with Billy's doctors, so the family agreed to the surgery. During surgery Billy again went into cardiac arrest, they had to use paddles to bring him back, and he was left with little brain activity. Jack and Jill argued over what to do about Billy if they were asked, Victoria told them that after Phyllis had been in a coma for a year, that Billy had said he would rather be put out of his misery. Jill pointed out that all three of them had survived comas in the past. Alone at his bedside, Victoria sobbed for Billy to come back to Johnny, Katie, and her promising all would be forgiven and they would be together forever and ever. Jack was shocked that he had been named as Billy's healthcare power of attorney and agonized over the decision to take him off life support. Jill sobbed that she would fight him in court. Billy's loved ones all said goodbye. But after everything was shut own, Billy started breathing on his own, and came out of the coma with Victoria at his bedside. Victoria and Billy vowed to reunite, and he moved home when he was released.

Victor suddenly decided to take Nikki on a second honeymoon, leaving Adam in charge of the Santori situation, and Victoria in charge of the company and Natalie, the programmer who was working on a revolutionary anti-hack program. Natalie took an instant dislike to Victoria, calling her "Dragon Lady", which Victoria heard.

On Valentines Day, Billy surprised Victoria by transforming the Top of the Tower to remind Victoria of Italy, asked her to marry her again, and she accepted.

Billy broke the news to Victoria that Victor had replaced Jack with a man named Marco for months while Jack was held hostage in Peru. Victoria confronted Victor with the evidence on a disk that Billy had given her. They were interrupted by Paul who arrested Victor after Victoria turned over the evidence. Victor faked dizziness and was hospitalized until tests showed he was fine. Surrounded by his family, Victor raged at them, accusing them of being traitors, ungrateful for all he had done for them. Victor found himself in jail, and was visited only by Summer.

Billy and Victoria hoped this would be the beginning of a new future for Newman and Jabot finally working together and no longer at odds. But Victoria realized that Phyllis and Billy had been in cahoots, secretly owning Pass Key while Natalie developed it for Newman, then expected it to become a Jabot product after Victor fired Natalie. Victoria was livid with Billy for lying to her once again, and called off the engagement.

Although Nick abstained, Summer had Victor's proxy, and Adam voted by phone, the Newman board voted to oust Victor as CEO. Victoria was voted in as CEO with no opposition from Adam. Judge Elise Moxley recused herself and confessed her affair with Victor, rather than cave to Victor's expectations to get off. Some department heads became upset that Adam had not become CEO. Victoria asked Nick to return, but he told her he knew she could handle it. She asked Victor for vote of confidence, but he just laughed, promising her that she would be out of Newman, never to return once Victor was exonerated.

Victoria joined the family in testifying against Victor, all agreeing that he had gone too far this time. Victor was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in the state prison. Victor left the courtroom for prison, saying he had no family anymore. They were all dead to him.

Fearing Victoria could not handle being CEO alone against a sure bid from Adam to take over, Nick offered to return to Newman and help her. But Adam declined to step in, taking a job with a New York City hedge fund, and working out of Chicago. After Victor's attempted murder in prison, Adam went to Victoria, advising her to become the CEO she must be to keep the company alive even if Victor did not survive prison.

Newman sued Jabot, and Summer was pressured to not testify that they had conspired to double deal Pass Key between Billy and Victor. Summer lied to the police, but later felt guilty and told Victoria the truth, which led to Jack and Victoria agreeing to share profits from Pass Key so long as Billy would be fired. When Victoria told Victor about her deal, he still felt she was handling Newman all wrong. Ready to show Victor she was capable, she shared with Nick her idea for a startup incubator to help budding entrepreneurs like Natalie.

Victor chose Nick to run Newman, and to get back at Victoria, Victor sold Brash & Sassy using Nikki and Abby's proxy. Victoria lacked the power to stop it, but was able to double the price. Later Billy showed up at her office announcing that he had been the buyer.

Victoria began hanging out at a dive bar named Hank's, drinking tequila, and chatting with the bartender/owner Travis Crawford, letting him believe she was a lowly receptionist named Tori. One night they kissed, and Victoria reacted by running out. But she returned, they got drunk and Victoria ended up in his bed.

After Nick's wife Sage's memorial service, Nick walked in on Billy and Victoria arguing as usual. Nick advised Victoria to go after love with Billy, not to waste time like he did being the Newman puppet. She gave it another shot only to be disappointed by Billy once again.

When a Newman offshore drilling location platform sprung a leak, Luca convinced Summer to give a press release, lying to her that Victoria had instructed him to have Summer give a statement that all was handled and sabotage was suspected. Victoria showed up near the end, but Luca claimed he had saved her from being accused of being unreachable during a crisis. Victoria had been arguing with Billy when it was all going down.

Travis caught the newscast and was very upset that lowly receptionist "Tori" was actually wealthy businesswoman Victoria Newman. Later, Victoria confronted him with the fact that Travis was a former oil commodities broker. Travis said he left that world because he didn't like how it changed him. Travis was behind in his payments, but someone paid them. Victoria denied that it had been her.

Victoria made a five million dollar contribution to the AbbottWinters Foundation's Chancellor memorial wing in honor of Katherine.

Another oil spill occurred in Newfoundland due to a valve being opened remotely. Having access to Victoria's laptop while they were together, Travis was accused of sabotage, and Victoria was reminded that his Wall Street past included oil and gas commodities. Both Luca and Billy confronted Travis and punched him because he insulted Victoria. Victoria hired Kevin to hack into her computer, and he found evidence that the intruder had been Natalie. Everyone agreed that this had also been a setup by Victor. Kevin and Natalie hacked into the prison security cameras and discovered a woman with long dark wig had been working with Victor.

Dylan told Nikki that Victor's only hope was if the whole family could tell the appeals review board they were overemotional and just looking for payback. Victoria and Abby agreed to forgive Victor and join the plea. But they failed to get Phyllis or Jack to join them. Travis advised Victoria that she was being a fool, that Victor was going to kick her out when he got out of prison and returned to Newman. He was buying a sailing ship, and selling the bar. Travis urged her to bring her kids and go with him for three months of sailing on the open sea, but she said no. Victor assured Victoria that there would be a place for her at Newman.

Abby Victoria, Nick, and Nikki testified about their forgiveness for Victor. Phyllis arrived and vilified him for how he had ruined her marriage and her life. Jack testified that Phyllis was going thru hell, worse than he had while being starved and tied to a bed. Jack told the court that he would never forgive him, but he refused to let Victor's actions impact his life for one more second. Judge Gates declared to the court that he felt Victor had been rehabilitated, and sentenced him to time served, with 2 years of community service with periodic reviews, reminding him that he could be returned to prison at any time during the next 2 years.

First day back at Newman as CEO, Victor resolved the Newman oil crisis with one phone call, sent Victoria and Nick on vacations, and Summer became the new preferred sibling, despite her loyalty to Luca. When Luca pinned the sabotage on Travis and was about to marry Summer, Victoria tracked down Travis in Manzanilla and convinced him to return to Genoa City. He exposed Luca as the real saboteur at Summer's wedding, and Summer refused to marry him.

Jill asked Victoria to head Brash & Sassy, but Victoria declined, so Jill got Victoria drunk on rum and told her about Billy's stupid marketing idea, sending a drunken Victoria straight to Billy. Billy explained that it was Cane's idea not his, and they realized they had been set up by Jill. They began reminiscing about their first island trip when they had gotten drunk on rum and got married, and they fell asleep together on Billy's office couch. The next morning Victoria resigned from Newman, and Victor wished her well, saying she had made a good decision. Victoria took the job at Brash & Sassy, the Co-CEO's became three, and competition among them was heightened. Brash & Sassy launched a new product "Bare" which became an overnight sensation.

Travis stayed in Genoa City and resumed his romance with Victoria, and eventually moved in with her. Victor offered Travis a job, but he turned it down, telling Victor all that was wrong with Newman, how it had been in a downward spiral ever since the payoff of his kids, his going to prison, etc. But later Travis walked into Newman and let Victor know that he wanted to work for him. Victor took a liking to him, and he was hired. When his former lover Michelle arrived in town, was going through a divorce and let him know that she wanted him back, Travis told Victoria about his past. Travis had worked as a commodities broker at Hazelton and Crestwood in New York City, but had been fired after having an affair with his boss's wife Michelle. Convinced that Travis was another keeper of too many secrets just like Billy, Victoria broke off their relationship. Travis slept with Michelle after being berated by Billy for being a Victor Newman boot-licker. Victoria decided to take Travis back, and Travis proposed. But Billy found out about Travis and Michelle's one night stand, and told Victoria. Victoria broke off the engagement, and Travis left town.

In January 2017, a 15-year-old Reed showed up at Victoria's door in Genoa City with a police officer, having gotten there by bus without his parent's knowledge. He explained that J.T. and Mac were having another baby and were moving to Warsaw, Poland, and he did not want to go but wanted to live with her. Victoria let J.T. know, and he told her that he and Reed had not been getting along for some time. They agreed to let Reed stay with Victoria, but she came to resent the way Reed was only interested in playing his guitar, being on the Internet, and bonding with Billy, not her. Unknown to her, Reed was charging online porn to Victoria's credit card and slipping booze into his soda. Reed was grounded when Victoria found out, but he managed to slip out to appear at an Open Mike Night at The Underground singing and playing his guitar. Billy intervened and talked Victoria into trying to encourage Reed in his music instead of making him hate her for punishing him all the time.

When Jill needed money to buy 49% of Fenmore's back from Jack, she offered Brash & Sassy for sale to Billy, Cane and Victoria. But with Victor's encouragement and help, Victoria decided that she wanted to buy it back herself. Unable to come up with the money anyway, Cane and Billy grudgingly agreed to stay on with Victoria as sole CEO.

Victoria and Billy began to get close again, and it looked like they were about to get back together. But a year after Adam's death, Nikki, Victoria, and Nick found out that Victor had brought Chloe to town to help frame Adam and that Chloe had murdered Adam. Nikki declared that they were to never tell of Victor's involvement or that he had arranged Adam's escape from jail. Nick and Victoria agreed there would be no more scandal to further damage their companies. Victor was cut off from the family, though maintaining a public persona of a loving family for the sake of their companies. Victor was to live in another wing, and the staff signed non-disclosure agreements. Nikki declared family first, no more forgive and forget, and the days of Victor calling the shots were over. Nick and Victor argued, Nick slugged him, and Faith saw it. So Nick took Faith back home to live with him. Victor started making grand gestures including giving Reed a fancy car for 16th birthday, which Victoria sent back, making Reed hate her again. He made Abby acting CEO of Newman and left town going incommunicado on another one of his mysterious disappearances. Victor returned in only about a week. Meanwhile Billy took being shut out by Victoria as a sign that she was not interested in him. Victoria lied, telling Billy her life was tied up with the fact that Nikki's M.S. was back. Victoria was shocked when she caught Phyllis and Billy kissing in the elevator, and they admitted they had resumed their relationship.

The Brash & Sassy team went to Los Angeles together for a commercial shoot starring Lily. Hilary pushed to premiere the commercial on the Hilary Hour. Juliet tried to get approval from the hockey league, but they went ahead, and it included a clip of Billy joking with hockey players about gambling. The league was furious. Victoria convinced them to stay with Brash & Sassy, but the commercial had to be killed, and she had to fire the person responsible. She fired Juliet, not Billy, promising her a glowing review. Instead Juliet sued Brash & Sassy for sexual harassment by Cane. Cane claimed there was no truth to the accusation. Depositions were taken, including a bill for 3 bottles of sake and a security video from the hotel showing them staggering into a room, and Juliet coming out the next morning. It also came out that Cane botched the deal and Juliet intervened to save it, yet Victoria refused any settlement. But when Juliet turned up pregnant and confirmed to be Cane's, Victoria was forced to settle. Victoria fired Cane for lying and costing them the settlement money. Neil and Devon refused to hire Cane. Jack Abbott was quite interested, but Victoria found out and knowing Cane would spill all the Brash & Sassy secrets to Jabot, she stopped Jack by reminding him that he was jeopardizing his relationship with Nikki by screwing over her daughter's company. Cane confronted Victoria, calling her a stone cold bitch.

Billy spotted Jesse, the guy who shot the hockey league footage, in town and talking with Cane. Billy and Victoria got him to hand over the original video and confess that Cane had paid him $25,000 to add the gambling footage to get Billy in trouble with the league. They told Lily and Lily finally tossed Cane out.

During the reception following Nikki's Benefit piano concert, Victoria and Abby argued, Abby threw a drink in her face, and Victoria fell and hit her head. The next day, Victoria began having headaches and muffled hearing, then collapsed in the elevator. Her doctor diagnosed a concussion and gave her some medication. Victoria went to dinner with investor Benjamin Hochman, and they discussed her company and his business reputation. Her hearing became muffled again, she suddenly began flirting with him, and dragged him off to a hotel. They drank some wine, and Victoria was all over him, ripping off her clothes. She woke up the next morning and was horrified to find herself in bed with him. Hilary found out about it and aired the news of their one night stand on the Hilary Hour. After Vitoria blew up at her over it, Hilary tried to make amends.

Brash & Sassy was getting hit hard financially after paying the settlement with Juliet, and Jack raising their rent by twenty-five percent. Victoria was livid to find out that Billy had been hacking into the Jabot server copying restricted files using Phyllis’ laptop and Dina’s password, but the information let them know they needed to hustle to compete. Ben Hochman offered Victoria a bridge loan of 10% of the company’s worth in exchange for 20% of the company. After discovering that Hochman was working for Jack and Cane was working for Ben, Victoria was entertaining a loan from Victor, but ended up accepting one from Hamilton-Winters instead. Brash & Sassy developed a new product, Sassy Mask, and Victor gave Victoria the rights to Azure anti-aging skincare products which he had retained after Newman Cosmetics had been sold. But after Victoria collapsed and was diagnosed with toxic chemical exposure from her use of Sassy Masks, the FDA tested all her products, and the company’s reputation was ruined. (It was later discovered that Billy was responsible, cutting corners by using unregulated manufacturing, and Victoria fired him.) Hamilton-Winters refused another loan, Billy offered to buy in at 32%, but Victor offered to take the company back under Newman. Victoria agreed, stipulating that they call it a merger, she be made COO, and made known as Victor’s heir apparent. Victor fired his entire PR staff after the plan was leaked. Neil suggested they outsource their PR to his new acquisition Power Communications, and personally took charge. A party had been planned for Top of The Tower to announce the success of Abby and Zack’s app DesignDate, but Victoria and Victor took over announcing the Brash & Sassy merger and Victoria becoming COO. Abby was crushed. Then Crystal grabbed the microphone and accused Zack of using the app as a front for the sex trafficking ring from which she had escaped. Zack hustled Abby to the elevators and they disappeared. Victoria showed she was as ruthless as Victor as they tried to cover up what had happened with Abby in the hands of a murderer. To top it off, the FBI arrived, seized the Newman computers and froze its assets.

Victoria’s only concern appeared to be Newman, not her missing sister Abby, as she tried to remedy the damage. Abby did turn up, after a couple of harrowing days being locked in a storage building with Scott Grainger and held at gunpoint by her lover Zack, then watching Zack being shot dead. Victoria welcomed them home by shutting down Scott’s Hashtag webzine, calling a press conference, and giving Abby a statement to read taking responsibility away from Newman for DesignDate and the sex ring, which make Abby look pathetic, inexperienced, and naïve. Abby and Scott edited the statement infuriating Victoria. Scott managed to get Hashtag back up ad published the full story. Called to Victoria’s office, Abby quit her job. Scott had planned to quit too, but because his Hashtag article was trending, she gave Scott a raise and a bonus, and reinstated Hashtag. Abby felt double crossed again. When Victor found out, he refused Abby’s resignation, told Victoria was wrong and agreeing with Abby that he would have resigned too. Abby agreed to return with stipulations that she report directly to Victor, she get an office with theirs, a bump in title and salary. She let Victoria know that she would never forget that she was willing to let Abby leave while giving Scott a fat bonus.

In December 2017, J.T. returned to Genoa City at the behest of Paul and Christine as an online investigator for the U.S. Treasury Department to investigate Newman. The company checked out clean, but there had been a large online offshore money transfer in Victor’s personal bank account.

Victoria was surprised to see J.T., and they had dinner together to catch up. J.T. explained that the treasury job was the one that took him to Warsaw, he and Mac’s son Dylan was now known as “D.J.”, and their daughter Becca was just learning to walk.

Nikki confessed to Victoria that the offshore transfer had actually been done by her, stealing money from Victor, and together they approached J.T. and asked for his help in exonerating Victor and keeping Nikki out of prison for embezzlement. J.T. refused, so Victoria told Victor what Nikki had done. Surprisingly though, J.T. came to them later, telling them the investigation was over, with a bank error listed as his findings. Victor asked that he be the one to give Nikki the news, and J.T. agreed.

On his way out of town on Christmas Eve, Victoria ran into J.T. He admitted that he and Mackenzie were separated, he had lost his full time job with the Treasury Department, and was only working freelance. J.T. explained that he and Mac had just grown apart, and she had moved with the children back to Washington D.C. While talking about how much he missed his kids, Victoria reminded him that he still had Reed, and invited him to stay with them for Christmas. J.T. told Reed about his and Mac’s separation, and he took it well. Reed and Mattie attended a party, and Reed had a couple beers. Mattie tried to keep him from driving home, refused to go with him, and threatened to call the police – which she did after Reed left without her. Reed was stopped and arrested for driving under the influence. J.T. decided Reed needed him to stay in Genoa City. Cane gave J.T. a job at Chancellor, and invited him to stay at the Chancellor estate. Just as he was settling in, Mac had him served with divorce papers.

Reed was sentenced to a year’s suspended driver’s license and a fine thanks to Mattie trying to influence the judge at his trial in his favor which only made things worse. After Reed overheard his parents discussing sending him to boarding school, he slipped out of the house with a bag and his guitar. Landing at Billy and Phyllis’ apartment, they called Victoria. Nikki and Victor took Reed home, intent on straightening him out with a regimented life of chores, exercise, and discipline. Meanwhile J.T. and Victoria argued about Reed and how their marriage had broken up, she kicked him out in the cold, then let him in when he pleaded for his coat. They passionately kissed and made love on the stairs, and J.T. spent the night. They made love again on her desk the next day, and were caught by Victor in her living room when he walked in unexpectedly. Victoria was impressed with how well J.T. stood up to Victor now, called him fearless, and invited him to move in. They invited Reed to return and told him to get a job or sell his guitar, that he could not use his savings to pay his fine. J.T. confided that he was taking meds for his heart condition, after affects from his electrocution years ago, and that he had checked in with a new doctor in town.

J.T. was hanging around town feeling unfulfilled doing busy work at Chancellor while Victoria was immersed in her job as always, finding the heart that he and Colleen had carved on a booth at Crimson Lights, and trading barbs with Billy. Victoria offered J.T. his old job as head of security, but he was reluctant to work for Newman or Victoria again. J.T. went to work for Cane, but Cane put J.T. on probation for moonlighting at Fenmore’s, so J.T. quit and accepted his old job as chief of security at Newman instead. He and Victoria rekindled their romance, and J.T. appeared to be working on his jealousy of her relationship with Billy and her being a workaholic.

Victoria was shocked when Ashley showed up for work at Newman, newly hired by Victor as Chief Innovation Officer. Confronted by Victoria, Victor told her they needed fresh ideas for Brash & Sassy from someone with experience and knowledge. Victoria was miffed for not being told, for his putting Ashley in charge of her baby Brash & Sassy, and having to temporarily share her office with Ashley. She accused him of once again trying to manipulate his children by pitting them against someone else. Ashley when confronted admitted that she intended to be the next CEO of Newman instead of heir-apparent Victoria. Victoria instituted an employee feedback site, and was surprised at the negative comments on her. She held an employee meeting which turned into a bitchfest led by Ashley, and others chimed in with how unfair Victoria had been, including Lily whose time off was canceled for the meeting. Lily walked out, and later quit.

Victoria colluded with Jack to set up Ashley to appear to be spying at Newman for Jabot, both of them hoping to get her to return to Jabot. J.T. investigated and found Newman confidential files with Ashley’s watermark in Jack’s desk. Ashley told Victor she had been setup. Abby, after many successes in Paris, decided to return with Victor’s blessing, just in time to witness her mother Ashley being fired from Newman. Incensed, Abby took it upon herself to find evidence that Jack and Victoria had set Ashley up to appear to be spying for Jabot. Against Ashley’s wishes, Abby took it to Victor telling him he had fired the wrong person. Victor confronted Victoria with it, and she claimed that Ashley was not good for Newman, so she had taken care of it. Ashley agreed to return to Newman if Victor fired Victoria. He could not bring himself to do that so offered Victoria the choice of a demotion or leaving the company so Victoria became senior vice president of operations.

During an argument, J.T. got verbally abusive and violent. Victoria slapped him, he grabbed her around the neck leaving bruises, shoved her against a wall, and slammed his fist into it, right next to her face. Victoria was shocked, J.T. apologetic. Victoria covered her bruises with makeup and demanded they see a marriage counselor. J.T. accompanied Victoria on frequent visits to Victor’s hospital bed while he was in a coma. Someone snuck in one night and disconnected Victor’s breathing tube. Victor was saved in time, but suffered a minor stroke. Victoria stepped in as CEO again and pretended the demotion never happened. But the memo of Victoria’s demotion was leaked to the press, and Ashley took over Newman. Then to settle their fight, Nikki took over. When Victor began regaining consciousness, J.T. convinced Victoria to leave town with him and the kids to Hawaii. Once they were there, he tried to convince her not to return. After J.T. took away her phone, Victoria used his and discovered he had been texting Paul for months spying on Victor. Victoria broke up with J.T. and took the kids home.

Sharon and Phyllis threw Victoria a girl party, where all got drunk and admitted secrets, Nikki admitted she had a boy toy, Mariah that she kissed a girl and liked it, and Victoria shocked everyone that J.T. had abused her. Mariah left the room and passed out, and Victoria went upstairs where J.T. was waiting for her in their room. They fought, it got heated, and he slugged her, causing Victoria to realize that J.T. had been the one who tried to murder her father. J.T. claimed it was an accident, but Victoria protested that he walked away and left him to die, then tried again at the hospital. J.T. proclaimed that Victor deserved it, being responsible for Colleen’s death. The fight was interrupted by Nikki, Sharon and Phyllis who had been waiting downstairs. Nikki whacked J.T. over the head with a poker as he got violent with Victoria again. They were shocked to discover that J.T. was dead. Afraid that Nikki would be arrested, as well as being accused as her accomplices, they made plans to hide the body. After Paul arrived looking for J.T, and left, they rolled J.T. up in a rug and decided to bury him in the recently dug garden at Chancellor Park. Afterward Nikki and Sharon put the rug in an incinerator. Phyllis threw the poker in the lake, and J.T.’s cell phone in a dumpster near airport. Everyone else assumed that J.T. had gone on the run, despite his belongings and car being left behind. Paul, suspicious of Victoria, got her to admit that she had given J.T. money under duress, and helped him escape, feeling that his never being able to go home or be in touch with Reed was punishment enough.

Victor’s recovery included his reuniting with Nikki, and persuading Nick to return to Newman. But Nick turned it down when he realized that Victor intended him to screw over Victoria and take her position.

Three months after his disappearance an old credit card of J.T’s began being used, and there were sightings, each coming closer to Genoa City. Nikki, Sharon, Phyllis and Victoria decided to dig up J.T. and make sure he was really dead, but discovered Jill had the garden covered in concrete with a sculpture and a plaque in Katherine’s memory. One night Sharon and Nikki were shocked to recognize J.T. outside Sharon’s window at the ranch. Victor received a message to meet J.T. inside an abandoned building, and refused Nikki’s advice to call police, causing her to believe that Victor intended to kill him. Viewers saw a dark-haired man remove a J.T. mask. Nick later admitted that he had been playing J.T.

Sharon, Summer, Victoria, Nikki, and Abby received invitations to join Dark Horse, which turned out to be Nick’s new company. Nick told them that he was dealing with venture capitalists for financing, Victor had been losing deals to Dark Horse, and that Noah had resigned from Newman to head up Dark Horse London. Abby joined them doing marketing and PR, Summer refused to choose between parents and stayed at Fenmore’s. Victoria stayed at Newman, after Victor gave her back the COO position and made her heir to Newman. Jack also signed on to Dark Horse as an executive consultant and board member. Victor asked Nikki to head the Newman real estate division, pitting her against her son.

Sharon, Nikki, Victoria and Phyllis each got a blackmail note from someone who “saw what you did”. Nikki paid them only a dollar. Another note came with knowledge that J.T. had been buried in the park, so Nikki paid the quarter of a million dollars, and the foursome dug up the “grave” finding nothing. The next day Arturo found J.T.’s watch in the same spot, and the case became a murder investigation. Rey questioned Nikki, Nick, and Victoria with Michael as her lawyer. He requested Victor return from Singapore immediately. Instead Victor went off the grid, even his cellphone became a non-working number.

The Newman stables burned to the ground, leaving behind a shirt with J.T.s blood on it and a gun traced to Victor, so he became the prime suspect in J.T.’s death. Nikki found J.T.’s jacket and pants laid out on her bed and started drinking again. Nick took Nikki home, she screamed when she saw a fire poker, and ended up admitting to Nick that she had killed J.T. with it. Nikki confronted Phyllis about the poker, and she admitted she had put poker in a storage locker for insurance in case they ever decided to pin it on her. Nikki was drunk when she stepped off a curb into the path of a car and ended up with a brain contusion and unconscious. Nick and Victoria stayed at her bedside for hours on end, trying to bring her back to them. She was on her deathbed when Victor managed to sneak in during the night and got her to wake up. Victor was caught and arrested for J.T.’s murder.

During Victoria’s grief over Nikki, Cane dropped by to discuss the secret they were keeping that Reed had driven the hit and run car that hit Nikki and Charlie had been a passenger. Circumstances were such that they had agreed to not tell and ruin their lives in prison. They argued, he called her a cold bitch, and they kissed passionately. Both were shocked by their actions, knowing they didn’t even like each other. But Billy saw them and told Lily out of spite, and Lily refused to let Cane visit her. It wasn’t long before Lily filed for divorce.

Katie began playing with an invisible friend who lived in Nikki’s house. When Nikki fell asleep on the couch, Katie disappeared. Billy and Victoria arrived and they found her inside a wall crawlspace that was outfitted in surveillance equipment. Victor became convinced that J.T. was alive and out for revenge. Meanwhile the police received an email with audio of Nick and Victor discussing hiding a murder weapon, and Victor saying that J.T. had to die. Christine set the trial for the following day. When they arrived to escort Victor to the trial, Nikki admitted that she had killed J.T. and was arrested. Nikki claimed that she followed J.T. from Victoria’s to the park, killed him in self-defense, and buried him there. But Rey got Sharon to confess the true story of how Nikki had killed J.T. as he attacked Victoria, and how Sharon and Phyllis had helped them bury his body in Chancellor park.

Nikki was charged with second degree intentional homicide and obstruction of justice, and Sharon and Victoria for being a party to both. Michael Baldwin became their lawyer. Phyllis turned states evidence and became the star witness for the prosecution, claiming she was going to help get them off. As a result, Nick kicked her out of his house. Sharon had her own attorney in Brittany Hodges. Mariah, Tessa and Phyllis’ testimony was damning to all of them as Christine took on her old nemesis Phyllis. All three women were found guilty and sentenced to prison.

On their way to prison, Rey arranged for the women to escape and hide out at the Abbott cabin to trap J.T. after Nick had finally convinced Rey that J.T. was still alive. But J.T. knocked out the guards and held the three women with hands and feet zip-tied inside. J.T. ranted at them for trying to kill him and bury him alive, and began smashing things. He explained that he had been buried over a storm drain, his body had fallen in and sent out to the river. Writhing in pain, J.T. ruptured the fireplace gas line by wielding a poker. He passed out from the pain, and the women from the gas. Billy Abbott, Nick and Victor Newman rescued them. Rey arrived and told everyone that they had to tell the truth about what had gone on. DA Christine was livid with Rey. She upheld only the women’s obstruction charges, but revoked their sentences.

J.T. was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had surgery to remove it. Afterward, Victoria visited him. J.T. apologized, wishing they could have cut out his memories, admitting he was broken before he returned, wanting to blame everyone else for his problems, but thought Victoria would fix him. He assured her that everything that happened was his fault, that Nikki was right for stopping him, and he had deserved to die. Victoria told him that no one wanted him dead, not them, Mac, or his children. She asked why he didn’t get help. J.T. said he saw Mac become afraid of him, throw him out, but he didn’t fix it. He asked her to tell everyone he was sorry. Victoria said she might forgive him someday, could never hate him, but cannot forget. She told him to concentrate on Reed who has his voice and holds a guitar the way J.T. did. Reed visited J.T. and agreed to give him another chance, ready to hang out together and play their guitars. But J.T. was arrested for attempted murder of Victor. Reed was upset, but J.T. declared that he needed to pay for what he had done. Victoria asked Reed to come home with her, but he said he could not run home to mommy anymore. J.T. pled guilty and agreed to prison time.

Victoria packed and left town, haunted by J.T’s threats. She checked into a hotel in Las Vegas as Jeni Lambertson. She ran into Brandon Rose, singer with the rock band Bloody Thorns. He invited her to their concert, she declined, but he left her a VIP pass and shoved a flyer under her door. Victoria went and had a great time. Brandon and a guy and two girls from the band returned to her suite afterward. She told Brandon she was an artist who had studied in Florence, but he recognized her from recent publicity and called her Victoria. As he left, he wrote his phone number on her hand. She eventually called him, and they had a one-night stand. Summer found a selfie of them on the band’s social media page, and showed Billy who went to Vegas and brought Victoria home. They reconciled, Billy proposed, but Victoria decided to live together instead, and held a commitment ceremony to celebrate.

Nick and Victoria were shocked when they got word that their brother Adam had been found by Victor alive with no memory living in Las Vegas as a professional gambler named “Spider”. Victor and Sharon convinced him to return to Genoa City and set him up to live in the tack house on the ranch. After meeting him, they were skeptical Adam, already wary of Victor for manipulating him, depended on Sharon as the only person he could trust. Adam realized what an evil person he had been and that everyone still hated him, so he decided to disappear, but was shot in the gut as he opened the door to leave. Sharon heard the shot and found him in a pool of blood. Adam woke up in the hospital, his memory returned.

Adam told Nick and Victoria that Victor had promised that Adam would become head of Newman if he would stay, so Adam offered them a deal; he would leave town if they gave him 500 million dollars, the whereabouts of Chelsea and his son Connor, and for Nick to turn over Adam’s son Christian. Nick told Adam to go to hell. Victor walked in on them, Victoria recounted it all for Victor, who scoffed as Adam looked on. Victoria later gave Adam fifty million dollars and Chelsea’s cell number, and Adam asked Sharon to contact Chelsea and break the news of his return, but Chelsea had remarried. Victoria felt horrible when it came to light that Adam had spent the money buying up Nick’s loan on Dark Horse and taking over his company. But Nick would not let even that make him give up custody of Christian. Phyllis became CEO of Dark Horse and secretly liquidated all its assets and returned them back to Nick, Jabot, and Newman to try to make amends.

Billy and Victoria held a recommitment ceremony to celebrate their reuniting and took another trip to Jamaica. When Victor’s experimental treatments began making him forgetful and lethargic, he made Victoria CEO of Newman, and attempted to convince Nick to become COO, but he refused.

After weeks of sleepless nights and constant irritability, Billy disappeared for a couple weeks, sending vague texts assuring Victoria that he was all right. Chloe brought Victoria to Billy at the Chancellor boathouse. Billy was drugged and tied to the bed, his ankle in a makeshift splint. Chloe explained to Victoria that Billy had tried to run down Adam with a car, that she had saved Adam, and she and Kevin had brought Billy there. Billy was experiencing a dissociative fugue becoming another person to do things he knew were wrong. Billy did not remember trying to kill Adam and they were drugging him to keep him there. Victoria saw Billy become that other person, a gum-chewing thug, but through her love, helped him fight off his demons. Once they found out that Adam had no idea who had done it or who had saved him, Billy and Victoria left together, and Billy began seeing a therapist who further helped him get rid of his alter-ego. After Jack returned, Billy found his chance to quit the corporate world and find a better life with his kids and Victoria. But Victoria worried that he was more upset about the decision than he let on.

Nate realized that someone had tampered with Victor’s medication, as test results showed double his dosage. Knowing that it had been Adam, they staged Victor’s death to prove that Adam had tampered with his meds, hoping he would show remorse. Nate, Nikki, Billy, Victoria, Nick, Abby and Paul were all in on it. And when the dust settled and Adam was exposed, Victor forgave him and let him leave town, and Newman life went on as usual.

Victor took the CEO position back and demoted Victoria, who was livid that he done it to her it again. Victoria vowed that Victor was not getting away with it this time, and threw a letter opener at his portrait in anger. Victor was shocked when he returned to his office and saw the letter opener still stabbed into the portrait. Billy tried to talk Victoria into joining Jabot. Instead Victoria confronted Victor, standing her ground that she had earned the CEO position. She gave Victor an ultimatum, and for once in his life, Victor gave in, but told her she had lost his respect.

In February 2020, the Newman Enterprises 50th anniversary gala which honored Victor was held. Noah had created an amazing gallery of Victor photographic art, with both a light show, and darkness. Everyone was impressed. Old friends, enemies, and family attended, including Victor’s ex-wife Julia, and his brother Matt. Most gave short speeches in appreciation of Victor, even Christine, saying all was forgiven. Amanda’s stalker Ripley was lurking in the shadows of the art exhibit, jealously watching as Billy chatted with Amanda who was wearing a white off-the-shoulder outfit. While Ripley looked away, gathering his courage, Amanda left, and Victoria who was wearing a similar outfit, took her place chatting with Billy. Ripley approached, and appeared to bump into Victoria. But with a shocked look at Billy, Victoria revealed the blood stain where she had been stabbed in the side, and she fell to the floor. As Ripley exited the building, he passed Amanda, and realized he had stabbed the wrong person. Victoria was hospitalized, and recovered from her wound. Ripley was later captured and pled guilty to attempted murder. Victoria suffered from PTSD and had an angina attack during her recovery.

Meanwhile, Victor let Adam assume he would become interim CEO. But Phyllis convinced Nick to take the job instead. Adam declared war. Adam returned from a trip to Kansas with a story that Adam’s adoptive father Cliff had died at the hands of loan shark A.J.’s hitman when Cliff was unable to pay back loans. Then A.J. died falling from a barn loft shortly after Victor had come to town to console Hope. Adam accused Victor of murder and cover-up, and blackmailed Victor into making him CEO, astounding everyone when Victor backed down. Adam’s tenure was short-lived when Victoria returned as CEO and exposed that the real murderer of A.J. had been 11-year-old Adam who had blocked it out since. Adam refused to believe it but was disappointed in Chelsea that she did. Determined to expose Victor’s lie, Adam invited George to Genoa City. George reluctantly admitted it was true.

Victoria met and became attracted to Ashland Locke who was divorcing his wife Tara when he was diagnosed with small cell lung carcinoma and given six months to live. A man very much like her father, rich and nicknamed the Locke Ness Monster for his ruthless business acumen. Ashland convinced Victoria to go to New York City with him. He wined and dined her and they fell in love, changing his acceptance of his death to wanting to fight it. After they had sex, Victoria proposed a merger between Locke and Newman. Ashland had another medical episode in public and Tara leaked a video of it to the press. So Ashland announced his illness and the impending merger with Newman, then moved in with Victoria. Victor knew Ashland from prior deals and did not approve, but Nikki convinced him to congratulate Victoria. She encouraged Ashland to look into cures and chemo cocktails. Ashland sold his house in the Hamptons, and his penthouse in New York City and Victoria accepted his marriage proposal once his divorce was final.

Victoria sold off the media division of Newman to Chancellor, it was renamed ChanceComm, and run by Lily Winters and Billy, making Victor furious with her. So Victor coerced Ashland into selling him Cyaxares Media, renamed it Newman Media, and put his new favorite son Adam in charge. The media war began with Billy and Adam pulling tricks to best the other. Victoria became suspicious over Ashland's phone calls and texts. Ashland confided that he was being blackmailed over his past and told Victoria the whole story, and Victoria forgave him. Ashland and Victoria were married at the Newman Tuscany villa which Victor gave them as a wedding present. Nikki was matron of honor and Dr. Nate Hastings was best man. Tessa Porter sang and superstar concert pianist Leslie Brooks was brought in to perform. It almost didn't happen because the blackmailer, Jesse Gaines had intended to stop the wedding and announce Ashland's big secret. But Adam and Victor intervened and paid Gaines off to disappear.

Billy threatened to publish Ashland's story, but Ashland hooked up with Victor and Adam, becoming a board member of Newman Media, and suddenly approved by Victor as a good match for his daughter. Thanks to Adam's manipulations, the story got published, and Ashland sued ChanceComm claiming it was a lie. Jill stepped in and shut down ChanceComm and later sold it to Victoria. Jill made Lily CEO of Chancellor Industries and Billy COO.

Ashland went into remission and joined Victoria in running their merged companies. Victoria offered to buy Newman Media back from Victor, and he accepted, insisting that Adam stay on as CEO. Adam was now working for his sister Victoria. It wasn't long before Ashland requested Victoria make him Co-CEO of Newman-Locke. Victoria initially objected, then said she would have the papers drawn up. Ashland presented Victoria with the contract he had drawn up. Nikki overheard and suggested she inform Victor before doing so. Later, unable to locate Victor, Victoria walked into her office finding Ashland and Victor there. She insisted they sign the contract making she and Ashland Co-CEOs of Newman. Ashland started to sign, then had an attack and left.

Victor presented Victoria with Michael's mailed copies of bank statements showing Locke Communications radio division subsidiary made fund transfers to the doctor's account to help convince her of the truth. Victoria refused to believe Victor, Nick or her mother's accusations that Ashland had been using her to take control of Newman, going so far as to say they feared he would do something to her to gain sole control. Ashland tried to calm her by suggesting they spend some time alone at the villa in Tuscany. So the family, including Adam, held a group intervention letting her know that Nate had had found no evidence of cancer on the x-rays following Ashland's heart attack as he claimed, also no record of Ashland getting chemo treatments. Ashland barged in and Victoria asked him for an explanation. Seeing that Victoria was convinced, he told her he had given up. No matter what he said, the family would have other accusations, and he left. Victoria broke into tears in her mother's arms. A distraught Victoria took off into the dense fog, a car veered toward her and she ended up unconscious trapped in her car which had started on fire. Luckily Ashland had followed her out of concern but had also been hit. He managed to free himself from his car and rescue Victoria just before her car exploded into flames. Victoria suffered a sprained knee and bump on her forehead and Ashland had severely burned hands and was limping. The driver of the car who hit them turned out to be Rey Rosales who had a heart attack and died. Victor said he was grateful to Ashland but told him to get out of town. Adam offered Ashland a half-billion dollars for Ashland to walk away from the company and Victoria. Ashland went to Victor, got confirmation, and told him to have his errand boy meet him at the Grand Phoenix. Victoria met him instead, they got a room and she confronted him with what she knew he had done. Ashland claimed if she had hoaxed him, he would have forgiven her, that he loved her that much. He promised they could start over together with the incredible love they had.

Weeks went by, Ashland living at the Grand Phoenix, refused to leave town. Trying to make amends, Ashland donated 250 million dollars to New Hope in the name of recently deceased Rey Rosales. Michael and Victor, with the consent of Kyle, had a restraining order issued to keep Ashland away from Harrison, further pushing him to leave. But out of the blue, Victoria let them know that she still loved Ashland, this was her chance to break free, and she and Ashland left for New York City where they started planning their new business and where to live there. Before leaving, Victoria told Billy, who refused to let their children live under the influence of Ashland. Victor made Adam CEO of Newman in hopes it would entice Victoria to return. Nikki returned to her COO position to better keep an eye on Adam. Adam made Sally CEO of Newman Media. When Victor found out that Victoria and Ashland were shopping for investors for their new business, he put the word out reminding them that Ashland “was dying”. No investor was interested in financing a startup whose CEO was dying, and they all backed away. So the couple decided to finance it themselves. It turned out to have been a setup by Victoria for revenge. She had opened a bank account for their new company Destiny Media, and after Ashland deposited his 250 million dollars, Victoria transferred the money and closed the account. She boldly told off Ashland and returned home triumphant.

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